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Syntax: POSE <action text> to set your pose, or replace it
Syntax: POSE reset to remove any pose currently set
Syntax: POSE to check your current pose

POSE allows you to set what is seen when someone types LOOK and sees your
character in the room. For instance, if you want others to see

Blythe is here sitting on the fountain.

you would type the following:

'pose here sitting on the fountain'

Note that you do not have to put in the period at the end. The code does
that for you and that you do not have to type in the word "is", the code does
that for you also.

* This command is intended to allow you to enhance your roleplay, and if it is
abused (to convey unwarranted information, give your PC supernatural
abilities, etc.) will result in a strike. Please be careful to ONLY convey
information that could easily be discerned by visual inspection. POSEs
indicating you are waiting for a particular PC, or looking for a specific
thing, are not realistic - do your best to describe only what could be
readily seen.

Note that you can no longer check your pose with the
SCORE command, but
that no other aspects of this command have changed. Your pose may still be
removed by taking any movement action, such as
SIT, STAND, or actually
moving, or with the
POSE RESET command.

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