Online Help

Special Powers

While it is tempting for players to invent for their characters  
"special powers" to help them stand out in roleplay, such roleplay
may see characters in competition with one another for the most
outrageous or the most interesting "special power", to the detriment
of roleplay.

The policy on special powers is as follows:

Your powers are limited to those that are assigned to your race.
Aquiring greater powers is a matter for the gods, either as:

* as a part of role-play with direct deity intervention
(ie, you get your special power given to you)


* with the Admin's ok as part of a role play plot (ie, you role-play
that you've got magical powers outside the norm without
actually having them coded.

Characters claiming "special powers" without falling into one
of the above categories will be in breach of this policy.

To apply for a special character or roleplay post a detailed application
to the applications section of the forums. Please be aware that any
approved application is likely to have a kismet cost.

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Playing Siblings or Twins Pregnancy, Babies and Children Special Characters and Special Roleplay
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