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Relations of Gruumsh

Though considered Elvish propaganda to the Orcs, legends say that Corellon
Larethain defeated Gruumsh in a great battle, destroying his left-eye and
rendering the other unable to close. For this he loathes the Elves

Gruumsh once had an alliance with the conniving Drow goddess Araushnee to
bring down the gods of the Elves once and for all. His plan failed, despite a
divine force brought against the Elven gods consisting of the Seldarine's
enemies in all the Goblinoid and elf-hating pantheons and Araushnee was
transformed into Lloth. The two deities have been great foes ever since,
though Gruumsh's alliance with another assisting deity, Malar, has not been
so badly corrupted.

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