Online Help

Renewal Domain

The Renewal Domain is all about new beginnings, rebirth and fresh starts.
As with all domains, there are nine spells, one for each level. Below is
a list of the nine spells for each levels. Note that the spells are then
repeated below as a link to let you see a description of the spell. The
level listed in the text of this helpfile is the correct level for the
domain spell. The linked entries correspond to the normal priestly spell.

Level One - Revive
Level Two - Resilience
Level Three - Restoration
Level Four - Sustain
Level Five - Heal
Level Six - Regenerate
Level Seven - Rejuvenation
Level Eight - Mass Heal
Level Nine - Farheal

This domain grants prayers to clerics of the deities Chauntea, Ilmater,
and Lathander. Please note that in Forgotten Kingdoms, Chauntea is served by
druids, rather than clerics, and druids are not granted domain spells.

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Chauntea Domain Spells Farheal
Heal Ilmater Lathander
Mass Heal Regenerate Rejuvenation
Resilience Restoration Revive
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