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Syntax: shapechange '<race>' <adjective> 

This druidic skill allows you to temporarily change race, into a new form
that you specify. The adjective option allows you to set the adjective of
your chosen form. See the
adjective helpfile for more information on the
format of adjectives. Those used herein may include color codes.

The races available for shapechange are determined by the level of your
druid, and include most denizens of nature, though not every race in the
game, nor the same set available via the
polymorph spell. Some basic
examples include rat, fish, and bat. You can transform into most animals you
become familiar with: if you run into one you have not tried before, give it
a try. If you get the message "There is no race with the name 'blah'!" then
you have specified an invalid race name. If you get the echo "You can't
polymorph into a blah!" then that race exists, but you can not (at least at
your current skill level, possibly at any skill level) shapechange into it.
If you get the message "You failed," it means you failed your check against
your shapechange skill.

* It is important that players show responsibility in the use of this spell.
The use of this spell has IC consequences. For example, if a druid were to
polymorph themselves into a drow while within Waterdeep, it would likely
result in their death as the Watch and populace raced to the defense of the
city. Ask yourself, "If I shapechanged into this race in this location, what
would the reaction of the NPC's around me be?" Just because we have not
coded the NPC's to react in a certain way does not mean that you should go
ahead and ignore what their reactions would be. Irresponsible use of this
ability can lead to it being taken away.

* Please note that stealing from a shapechanged character is against the
rules, and a serious offense.

* This skill must be trained before it can be used. It does not employ the
'invoke' command, as racial abilities do.

* Use the 'revert' command to return to your normal form.

* Multi-word race names require single quotes around them. With one-word
race names, the quotes are optional.

* It is possible for a race allowed to you at lower levels to become
forbidden at a higher level

See also:

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Adjective Druid Abilities Druid Skills
Polymorph Revert
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