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Sia Ardwyn, thief of Beshaba

Sia was born to a ranger and a rogue, hidden away in the forests of Goldwood. 
Spirited away to Zhentil by her father, she learned the skills of a rogue
under his tutelage, though many can attest to her failure as a competent
thief. Her insatiable delight in causing random accidents quickly landed her
in Beshaba's faith. Sia spent much of her time in Waterdeep, until a signed
petition against the City Watch exiled her. Though she returned to Zhentil,
Sia kept an active interest in Waterdeep; even helping defend the city
against troll invaders, much to the dismay of those who exiled her. Feeling
her debt to be paid, she sought an audience with Marcus, going so far as to
enter the city via Smuggler's Run. Caught in the city, she languished in the
Waterdeep dungeon until escaping with Myn and Nedylene. Sia currently resides
in Zhentil Keep, surrounded by a close circle of well-armoured friends.

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