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This city, also known as the Gem of the North, is considered the foremost
center of learning and culture in the North. Humans, elves, half-elves,
gnomes, halfings, and dwarves dwell peacefully in Silverymoon. Many sages go
there to visit the many libraries, schools, and magic colleges. The kind and
diplomatic ruler of Silverymoon is High Lady Alustriel, a mighty sorceress.
Silver Knights of Helm and harpers patrol the city and the wilderness around
it. The oldest part of Silverymoon stands on the north bank of River Rauvin.
The only way to reach it is to cross the Moonbridge, a bridge that only
appears when the moon can be seen in the sky. It is rumoured that this brige,
as well as many other parts of the city, has a strong link with the deity

Area created by Blythe, Mielikki and Dalvyn.

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