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Syntax: stun <mob> 

Stun is a skill which can be used to stun your opponent: if successful it
will prevent your opponent from performing any actions for approximately two
rounds. If stun is used as a first action before combat has begun it will
daze the target but will not initiate combat. Stun requires a blunt weapon
be held at the ready, in the hand. Stun requires an element of surprise, and
thus once a given opponent has been successfully stunned (or bashed), they
will not fall victim to it again for quite some time.

Note that you may not simply walk away from combat while an opponent is
stunned; your opponent is disoriented, but not knocked out cold. You would
still need to
FLEE to escape combat. (If your intent is to FLEE, your best
bet would to be focus on trying to do so rather than trying to
STUN your
opponent first.)

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