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Saranya of Lathander - Knight of the Morninglord

Saranya was born in Morningdawn Hall to the gardener and a resident scholar. 
Her parents hoped Saranya would aspire to the priesthood, but her fondness
for the fighting arts (and several misdeeds better left unrecorded) convinced
them it was a lost cause. Saranya was packed off to the Spires of Morning in
Waterdeep to learn under instructors with far more persuasive methods of
discipline. From age eight onward, Saranya was raised at the Spires where the
examples of many distinguished Knights helped direct her energies to a more
productive course in life.

After receiving the Tabard of a Squire, chance struck when Saranya was chosen
to take the place of the far-more-worthy Squire Raona on the Rescue of the
Lady Coin. Five years in the Abyss burned away the last vestige of foolish
youth and forged Saranya into a blade worthy of the Morninglord, as trial and
foul evil strengthened a bond to the Dawn in Saranya's heart which no darkness
could possibly sever.

The task complete, Saranya returned to Waterdeep to complete her formal
studies and begin her life's work serving the City of Splendors. Saranya
rose in the ranks of the City Watch just as Civilar Raona gave new direction
to the Organization emphasizing public service and outreach. This mission
particularly suited the Morninglord's teachings of tolerance and compassion,
versus a more authoritarian approach to law enforcement.

Saranya has continued this work in her appointment by Commander Raona to
Waterdeep's Council of the Lords, striving to see that flexibility, empathy,
and tolerance for the many Faiths of the City are built into the work of the
Lords. In all things, Saranya aspires to create understanding between all
folk through humor, pursuit of joy, and always seeking new perspectives.

As a ranking member of the Dawnchurch, Saranya has worked to strengthen the
Church from within by encouraging Faithful of different callings to meet and
work together. She emphasizes to young warriors how the teachings of the
Morninglord are especially relevant to the martial professions and has also
encouraged young priests and scholars to push the boundaries of established
Church doctrine and develop new theories on the Faith.

Most recently, Saranya has completed her memoirs of the Rescue of the Lady
Coin and looks forward to spending many years in the Service of Lathander and
the City of Splendors. She can usually be found in the Spires of Morning,
loitering near the Pastry Shop.

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