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Taimi Benson, Conjurer of Mielikkki

Taimi Benson was born in the city of Waterdeep to a human mother, who 
kept her confined to her home, and an elven father, who was rarely
about due to his dislike of the city. Taimi's mother, for fear she
might pursue "dangerous" outdoor activities, kept her confined indoors
with her sole companions being her books. She began to study magic
at a very young age, quickly finding it a passion, and soon learned
of the art of summoning. Intrigued, she sought a school, but as there
were none to be found, she began teaching herself with the tomes she
found at schools and libraries within the city. Upon reaching the age
of sixteen, Taimi left the city of her heritage for the first time
in her life (much to the chagrin of her mother). She wandered about
for a long time, and finally realised that all along, the forests
and unbeaten paths of Toril were what was missing from her life. She
quickly sought the faith of Mielikki, the Maiden of Autumn, and was
rarely seen in any city from the day she was accepted as a member of
the faith. After studying the arts of conjuration on her own for some
time, Taimi worked on the development of the Cross'd Wands School
(located in a forest clearing, no less) with the aid of more
experienced conjurers. Taimi now spends most of her time in the woods
surrounding the School.

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