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Conjuration (Teleport)
Range: Personal
Target: Ignored
Syntax: c teleport <target>

If you fail in an attempt to cast this spell, it will take you from your
current location to a random point in the realms. As the energies involved
are difficult to control, there is no way of determining your destination.
Therefore, caution and planning must be at the forefront when considering
whether to employ this spell. If you cast this spell successfully, it will
transport you instantly to the PC or mobile you specify as your target.

Use with caution and responsibility. Using it in conjunction with magic
mirror to easily complete quests by finding mobs you have never met ICly
is considered poor roleplay. Using it in conjunction with magic mirror to
track down a PC you have never met ICly is considered poor roleplay.

* This spell will always fail completely, failing to move you anywhere, if
you cast it in or if your target is in a warded or dead magic zone.

This spell cannot be cast by an invoker

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