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Takket Keppur

Born in a small village of wood elves somewhere on the eastern edge of the
Wealdath, Takket Keppur had always wanted to be a ranger like both his
parents. He frequently followed his father, one of a few humans in the
village, on his hunting trips for the communal feasts. Though he now admits
his presence was more harmful to the hunt than helpful, he always saw himself
as learning the ways of the ranger under his father on these trips. Fate,
however, seemed to have a different plan for him. The village druid, an elf
of great respect in the village, had been keeping an eye on Takket. Seeing a
gift with the Weave in him, he urged Takket's parents to encourage and
cultivate this gift. They listened. Against Takket's will, his parents sent
him to Waterdeep where he was made a citizen (being from a hidden village,
legally Takket had no citizenship until that point) and was enrolled in the
school of Wonder. Initially, Takket did not put much effort into his studies
as a means of rebellion against his parents. However, after receiving word
that his home had been destroyed and his parents killed in a particularly
well armed orcish logging trip into the forest, he put all his effort into
his studies to honor the wishes of his parents.

After graduating from the School of Wonder, he went on to further his
education under Miresk in Silverymoon as a transmuter. Though his dreams of
being a ranger were gone, his love for the forests and desire to serve nature
yet remained. After further schooling, Takket spent many years in the forest
of Ardeep, his new adopted home, helping the rangers there and offering his
training in the Art as an alternate means of service to nature. During this
time, Takket met Gesine Kueper whom he started and initially rocky
relationship with. It was also during this time that Takket met and became
friends with Aldren Fellmane who introduced him to the faith of Mielikki.
Upon learning more, Takket felt called to join the faith and did so under the
teachings of Aldren and the High Druidess Rhytania.

Takket cotinued on doing what he could until the elections of new Lords in
the city of Waterdeep were announced. Initially, he was not going to run for
election, but upon hearing one of the major goals people wanted was improved
relations between the city and the rangers of Ardeep, Takket felt this was
something he'd like to help happen. Having developed a love for teaching
through one of the trials of his earlier years, Takket also felt a desire to
further education in the city which also contributed to his decision to run
in the election. During the campaign, Takket resumed his relationship with
Gesine, this time being a much more stable relationship. After being elected
Lord, he proposed to Gesine to whom he is still very happily married.

Despite his duties and obligations to the city of Waterdeep, Takket continued
steadfast in his service to the faith, often teaching the hopefuls of the
faith to ease the burden of the faith's leaders. He worked his way up through
the ranks and was eventually named a leader of the faith himself. He
continues leading the faith today along with teaching people what he knows
whenever the opportunity presents itself.

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