Online Help

Witch Light

Conjuration [Light]
Range: Personal
Target: Ignored
Syntax: cast 'witch light'

This spell creates a ball of light, which you can hold or set floating
about the head as a light source. The ball of light will last a long time.

To modify the colour of an existing ball of light, hold it in your
hand (wear ball left/right), and type the corresponding command.
This will only work if you have a 'witch light' spell memorised (or
a free slot that could be used to cast this spell, if you do not prepare

The command you need to type depends on the colour you want.
The colours listed in "help feralcolour" corresponding to the codes
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, A0, B0, C0, D0, E0, and F0 are
available. The command is "changeXX", where XX is to be
replaced with the code of the colour you want.

So, to turn a ball of light bright red:

(1) make sure that you have a witch light spell memorized
(2) hold the ball of light
(3) type "change90".

NB: It is suggested that drow steer away from brighter colours.

* Bards and Paladins currently cannot change the colours of the lights
they produce with this spell.

This spell cannot be cast by an invoker

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