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Wynne Bastine, Morningmistress of Lathander

Wynne Bastine was born to gypsy parents who wandered about the Kingdom. Her 
early years were happy ones being free to play and learn all that could be
taught her, but when she was older ,beginning to ask questions that could
not be answered, her parents decided to take her to the city of Waterdeep
and entered her into the temple of Oghma where they hoped she could gain
the knowledge she was seeking. She spent countless hours learning from
all the masters trying to decide which path she felt was the one for her.
She learned some of the tactics of the fighters, how to properly wear the
armour and such, and from the wizards she learned that spellcasting was
NOT her forte' to many mishaps you know, and being a thief just was not
in her interest at all, but with the priests she became comfortable, and
learned all she could from them.

Finally they could teach her no more and sent her out of the temple to learn
from other priests and the people in the city. She learned more as the years
went by, and found herself attracted to one God as that one seemed to give
her the things that interesed her the most, giving vent to her lust for
nature, and for song and poetry. Allowing her the powers to aid others
when they most needed it ,and as she grew in knowledge even allowing her
to ask him for the powers to bring back life and limb to those who had died
in battle or had lost limbs. The Sun became her guide and strength, always
giving what was needed when asked, and watching over her in some of her
most trying moments.

She traveled around the realms with a rather unlikely group for a few
years, two of them being dwarven warriors, one a gnomish priest, and
the other being a halfling priest, living the life of a vagabond, slowly
she became aware of a love she had for one of the Dwarven warriors, and
he for her, they grew close and traveled together constantly, until one
day the warrior suddenly and without reason left. With her heart broken
she turned to her Lord for her very survival, she became totally
engrossed in the church, seeking to aid any who needed her no matter
the peril. If her Lord wanted her to go to someplace where darkness
was forever to rule that is where she went, depending completely on
her Lord to guide her and give her what was needed. He sent her to the
most evil of all places to aid a priest, a dwarven priest, and even
though it caused her much pain and heartache she went, but to aid her
he also gave her people to guide and protect her. The lady ranger who
kept going back time and again with her facing the horrors of that
unspeakable place, and the Tempurian warrior and the Helmite warrior
and then the one who still to this day is her mortal guidance and
protection the Selunite ranger. It seems fitting that those two
should unite against evil as together they make a whole a continuous
day from dawn to moonlight. One aiding the other when they are at the
weakest point of their powers. And as she finally was able after many years
to locate and help the dwarven priest, her Lord knew she would be committed
to him, and would be his forever, and he chose her to become the High
Priestess for his church, entrusting her with all the duties and trial
of that position.

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