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Yzelle, Demarchess of Mask

Much of the tale of Yzelle, priestess of Mask, remains shrouded in Shadow.
Some of it, perhaps only intriguing rumor, distilled from the Shadows in
which she ministers to the faithful.

She was born in the Church of Mask in Westgate, in a time when the church
had waned in its power and influence in the realms. Her mother devised a
plan to reverse this trend. She summoned forth a Succubus, and demanded
a service. When it came time to negotiate the exchange, she offered herself.
The demoness obliged, and lay with her as an incubus. In truth, this was
what she truly desired from the demon, for she conceived her child from it.

Lazira raised her daughter in the church, taught her of her heritage, and
of the faith. She taught Yzelle that she was her answer, that one with the
charisma and charm her demonic parent gave her, could gather those who
strayed, draw new believers, and foster their devotion to the Shadows.

Yzelle's first major work for her lord was to build the church in Tethyr's
capital city of Darromar, the Shrine of Shadows. She presently works to
strengthen the influence of the church in Darromar, and travels the realms
on an apostolic venture, searching for the next place she may plant the
seed for her lord's shadow to fall upon new ground, and new hearts.

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