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Ynaura Larkspur, Artist of the Silver Strings

Raised in Silverymoon, at a young age this girl's mother sent her to the
college in Silverymoon in hopes of her becoming a refined lady so that she
might one day marry a rich respectable man. Within even the first of her days
of the school however, it was noticed that her talents, or interests were not
found in having a pretty singing voice. She was ever in trouble for drawing
on things she shouldn't have been, but in time she did manage to graduate
from the school, being able to call herself a full-fledged bard. A short time
afterward she left her home, in search of bigger things in Waterdeep.

She spent her first few months trying to make her living as a conventional
bard would, singing. No one seemed to be interested in any voice of hers
though. One day she was sitting in the market square, painting, and pondering
her troubles. When she looked up she noticed a group had formed around her,
interested in her work. Several people asked her to paint things for them and
from then on, she was an artist. Her works can be found all over the realms.

After a year or so of being in the city, she met Namer Lerytha of the Oghman
faith and Mira Mockingbird, a noted bard of the Starry Quill. They both took
her under their wing and taught her of the Oghman faith, which she realized
that she was well suited for and loved. Soon enough after organizing a great
bardic festival along with Kelvan Umberdawn and another, she was welcomed
into the faith with open arms. She served happily for many years, painting,
and spreading the word of her God whenever people were curious. The Binder
kept a close eye on her, protecting her and watching her, and after a time,
he appointed her the High Bard of the faith, much to her surprise.

During this time she met a shy wilderness man by the name of Keltorn. After a
long courtship, the two were married and they moved out of the city together
and had three children together in their happy marriage.

During her time as the High Bard she counseled many. Two of the notable names
being Ramirus Dranigar and Peverall Goldfarb. She took them in and taught
them of the Binder and loved them as they were her own sons. When they were
ready, she stepped down from her post and turned over the faith to the two
capable priests.

At her retirement she was again honored by being made a member of the order
of the Companions of the Silver String, for her dedicated work within the
Oghman faith. To this day she can still be found about Waterdeep slinging and
splattering paint on unsuspecting bystanders and doing work for her faith.

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