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Aelskiath, the Blackmouth

This city is Aelskiath, literally Abyssal for 'the Blackmouth,' or the City
on the Precipice of Darkness. Aelskiath is the last harbour of civilization
before plummeting into the true wilds of the Lowerdark and beyond. Aelskiath
is already isolated, situated at the fringe of the Northdark. Most of the
surrounding environments beyond Aelskiath are entirely empty, uninhabited, or
utterly alien and hostile to life as many know it. Thus most trade, what
little there is, bottle necks at the city. If you cannot find a route between
varying levels of the Underdark, you can at the very least go far out of your
way to Aelskiath, with some difficulty change elevations, and renew the
distant trek to your destination. Moreover there is an industry of brave,
stalwart, and often fatally stupid adventurers going ever deeper into the
Lowerdark, searching for new exotic wonders and rarified minerals. Those few
who survive the return ascent to the city are guaranteed a life time of
comfort with their newly acquired fortune, however almost no one comes back.
The mortality rate advances to one hundred percent when exploring the
oblivion that is the Underdark beneath the Trackless Sea.

Area by Casamir.

* The wards on Aelskiath make mapping and recording of it impossible. This is
not to be done IC or OOC.

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