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Captain Apillini Fadden

Apillini was the fifthborn of Lavender and Trethan Fadden, and the only girl
of these five children. Lavender Fadden, a bard of Daggerford, was bringing
Apillini up to be a fine bard indeed, teaching her the art of song and
playing the gittern. This all ended, though, when Apillini reached the age of
four. Lavender and Trethan were travelling and were a part of a terrible
caravan raid, and they were killed. Apillini went to live with her eldest
brother, Phillip, and his wife, where the two treated her like both the
sister she was, and a daughter.

Many years passed, and Apillini practiced her craft, never receiving formal
training. Word of her talent in singing and playing spread quickly as time
passed, though, and as she reached the age of fifteen, she found herself
invited to play as a guest in the Friendly Arms Inn. She wasn't prepared for
what happened, though, and as she was playing onstage, a hoard of rabid
rabbits piled in, attacking all the patrons. Luckily, some hardy adventurers
were in the crowd, and they rescued Apillini from certain peril. However, the
stubborn brat whined about not having received her pay, so she followed these
five adventurers through hell and high water for a year, adventuring with
them through thick and thin until she did, in fact, get her pay.

At the age of sixteen, Apillini, having enjoyed very much her life of
adventure, gave up any hope of becoming a bard. She instead endeavored toward
a life of free, full-time adventure. Before long, she met up with two of her
friends from before, Wyllium Haversack in particular. The two joined again
with their common friend, adventuring through Faerun with renewed gusto. It
came time for Wyll and Apillini to part with their friend again, though, and
upon this the two put into motion the plans for the adventuring company the
three friends had originally come up with together. Now, Apillini, or Captain
Apillini Fadden, alongside Captain Wyll Haversack, run the Company of
Wilona's Sails together in Zazesspur, where it is said they reside.

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