Online Help


Syntax: approve list
Syntax: approve yes <keyword>
Syntax: approve no <keyword>

The approve command is used to list pending helps, then either approve or deny
suggested ideas by Code Council apprentices. The approval/denial system works on
all of the suggested ideas to a given help as a batch. That is, if there are 3
edits pending on the help referenced by keyword 'magic', then 'approve yes magic'
would approve all 3 of them. Therefore if you only wish to approve 2 out of the
three pending helps, you must first remove the help you do not wish to approve.

For example, if the three pending edits on 'magic' are to change the level to -1,
to change the name to 'Help on Magic in Forgotten Kingdoms' and to add the keyword
'Joker'. If you want to approve the two changes other than the addition of joker,
you must enter the following sequence of commands:

hset removekeyword joker
approve yes magic

Any questions, post in the Help files TODO forum!

You must be a code council journeyman to use this command. You can determine
your Code Council experience level using the
KISMET command.

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