Online Help

Hit Bonus

In combat, every attack roll carried out by your character will be modified
by their Hit Bonus, making it a very important parameter. The value of your
Hit Bonus depends primarily upon your character's class and level, but their
race, health, and guild may also play a role. The bonus will also depend
upon the the weapon they are currently using and their proficiency with it,
possible bonuses tied to their ability scores and any enchantments upon the
weapon, and the quality of the manufacture of the weapon.

As one might expect, the hit bonus for warriors rises most quickly, while
that for wizards rises slowly.

* A weapon's hit bonus is reduced by two if it is a size larger than the PC
wielding it (whether it is held in one or both hands)

* Some races receive a hit bonus when they fight members of other specified
races. This too will not show up on their scorecard.

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