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Queen of the Depths, The Bitch Queen (only used when on dry land!)

Holy Symbol - a forked blue-green wave holy symbol

Worshiper Allowed Alignments - Any
Cleric Allowed Alignments - CE, CN, NE

Allies of the Faith - Talos, Malar, Auril
Enemies of the Faith - Selune, Chauntea, Sune, Valkur

Followers Called - Umberlants
Current Faith Manager - Deity Managed

Malicious, mean and evil, Umberlee is the terror of sailors
and coastal dwellers. She breaks agreements on a whim and takes
pleasure in watching people drown or being killed by sea predators.
She is vain and greedy for power, and almost universally worshipped
out of fear.

The church of Umberlee is disorganised, and clerics of the faith
are even given to resolving disputes by duelling.

She fights Selune and Valkur, to whom sailors pray to bring them
home safely, Chauntea for her dominion over land and Sune, whose
beauty she envies.

Dogma - The sea is a savage place and those that travel it had best
be willing to pay the price of challenging Umberlee's domain. All
should know and fear her, for the wind and the wave can reach everywhere
if sufficiently angered. Fair offerings bring fair winds. Spread word of
her might and let no service be done in her name without a price. Slay
those who ascribe sea and shore storms to Talos.

The faithful of Umberlee are known as Umberlant. Novice priests are
known as the Untaken. Full Umberlant priests are, in order of rank:
Flood Tide, Dark Breaker, Puissant Undertow, Wave of Fury, Savage Seawind
and Wavemistress or Wavelord. However, they are prone to taken titles
regardless of true rank or power.

Followers of Umberlee may use their high favor to supplicate
(see help supplicate)for recall to a safe haven and resurrection.
If they are extremely favored, they may ask for and recieve
artifacts of Umberlee.

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List of Deities Notable Names in the Faith of Umberlee Ocean Domain
Storms Domain Wavemistress Maeithra, Maelstrom of Umberlee
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