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Lord of Battles, the Foehammer
Holy Symbol - A blazing silver sword on a blood-red shield
(Will vary slightly in game)
Followers - Tempurans or Tempurians
Domains - Protection and Prowess
Worshiper Allowed Alignments - Any
Cleric Allowed Alignments - CE, CG, CN
Allies - Gond, Red Knight, Nobanion, Valkur, Uthgar
Enemies - Garagos
Faith Manager -Deity Managed

Tempus is the God of War, Battle, and Warriors. His church generally attracts
warriors, fighters, barbarians, rangers, and half-orcs. His priests must be
Chaotic, but their alignment can be anything from Good to Evil. Followers of
Tempus are rewarded by him for honorable battle, forbidding cowardice,
respecting the fallen, and encouraging the use of force of arms to settle

Followers of Tempus may use their high favor to supplicate (see help
supplicate) for recall to a safe haven and resurrection. If they are
extremely favored, they may ask for and receive artifacts of Tempus.

The Church of Tempus sponsors no Paladins. The favored amongst the church may
aspire to be accepted into the Order of the Steel Fang. The greatest honour
bestowed upon those who are injured in Tempus's service is admittance into the
Order of the Broken Blade (Not currently in game).

For more information on this deity we recommend:
Please ignore any 4th edition and later information.

Related topics...

Dogma of Tempus List of Deities Notable Names in the Faith of Tempus
Order of the Steel Fang - Tempus Protection Domain Prowess Domain
Red Knight Relations of Tempus
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