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Neutralise Poison

Conjuration (Healing) 
Range: Touch
Target: Defensive
Syntax: cast 'neutralise poison' <target>

You detoxify any sort of venom in the creature or object touched. A poisoned
creature suffers no additional effects from the poison, and any temporary
effects are ended, but the spell does not reverse instantaneous effects, such
as hit point damage. The target is also immune to all poisons for the
duration of the spell.

If you can not find another PC to cast this spell on you, an NPC priest may
be willing to do so. NPC priests will explain the healing spells they have
available in response to the
'heal' command. To ask them to neutralize a
poison cursing through your veins, use the
'heal' command to determine the
donation required to the healer's church in order to have them perform the
sacred rite. With coin in your inventory, issue the command
'heal poison'.

* Make certain that it is IC for your character to make a donation to the
church of the healer in question!

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