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Our Lady of Silver and the Moonmaiden
Symbol: Two darkly beautiful human female eyes surrounded by a
circle of seven silver stars (will vary in game)
Followers: Selunite(s)
Domains: Moon and Travel
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, LN
Follower Alignments: LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN
Enemies: Shar, Umberlee, and Mask
Allies: Chauntea, Lathander, Mystra, Sune, and Tymora
Current Faith Manager: Naia

Selune is the deity of the night sky. She claims the moon and the stars as
her own. Selune is the protector of good lycanthropes. Her domain includes
Tolerance, Navigation, Moons, Stars, and Lycanthropes. Her followers most
often include sailors, questors, mapmakers, wanderers, and female spellcasters.

Followers of Selune may use their high favor to supplicate (see help
supplicate) for recall to a safe haven, and resurrection. If they
are extremely holy, they may ask for and receive artifacts of Selune.

Selune's church sponsors two orders:
Swords of the Lady - Priests only
Oracles of the Moon - Females only

For more information on this deity we recommend:

Please ignore all 4th edition and later information

Related topics...

Dogma of Selune List of Deities Moon Domain
Notable Names in the Faith of Selune Oracles of the Moon - Selune Relations of Selune
Serving Selune Swords of the Lady - Selune Travel Domain
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