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Gwain Rambash, Retired Deathlord of Kelemvor

Nothing much can be said of Gwain Rambash that has not already been said at
some point in the past. The twenty-second son of Granel Razorbeard and
Illandria Felonquest, he has made his life an open book to those willing to
read it.

Gwain was born in Tasseldale, his parents doting at first; but they grew
distant, to the point that on his second birthday, Granel left. His mother
did her best to raise Gwain alone, but beset with financial hardships and
mental anguish she soon bundled the both of them to Cimbar in the rowdy
country of Chessenta, in order to find more oppertunities. Sadly Illandria
disappeared into the harbour one night, her mind set on swimming to Evermeet.
Her body was never found. Gwain found himself an orphan in the filthy back
streets of Cimbar. Relief, of a sort, came in orphanages run by the Religion
of Hoar, the god of vengeance. It was here lessons in mind games and social
warfare were instituted into his eager mind, a cold and calculating streak
blossomed and a sense of fearless hopelessness came to fore in his mind.

At the age of seventeen Gwain set out on his own, traveling through Amn and
Tethir on foot and by boat to Mazica. In the Town of Helmsport, he gave his
alliegence to the Refuge Bay Trading Company and was sent to Chult. His
employment was simple, to recover lost slaves and goods. Brutal work, it
earned him the animosity of the natives and helped him to better understand
hatred and the plight of the helpless. It was here that he first questioned
the tactics of vengeance, when he chose not to kill a young slave bent on
freedom. Shortly afterward he resigned his position and returned to Faerun.
He began work as a mercenary escorting pilgrims from Baldur's Gate on the
coast to the interior of Amn. During this period, he witnessed a mass
migration caused by the Bhaalspawn Wars and civil war in Tethyr. He visited
Waterdeep to answer a summons from his Father, only to find that he had died
a year prior. Distraught, he stayed within the city and attempted to observe
the teachings of Hoar and joined the Fighter's guild. This was all soon to

Impatient and rude, he was changed by a series of events culminating with
crippling injuries and blindness. Cold and patient, he became of priest
devoted to the Church of Death, eventually rising to the rank of Deathlord.
Exceedingly pious and full of faith, he aided in the revitalization of the
church and research into locations for future places of worship. In the years
that then passed he joined, rose to lead, and reinvigorated the Waterdeep
City Watch, and also became one of the City's Lawmakers. His detractors call
him cold, uncaring, and heartless: and Gwain is compelled to agree with them.
His hobbies include sock collecting and lecturing.

Now fully retired, he has gone on to serve Jergal, the seneschal of Kelemvor.

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