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Jarris Taril, Warpriest of Tempus

As a young child Jarris grew up in Silverymoon under his mother's care. His
father, being of Celestial decent, was rarely about. Most of Jarris' younger
days are not well known. After reaching the age of sixteen, he traveled to
Waterdeep and devoted his life to Tempus. In his early days as a Warpriest he
commanded many battles. Completing the requirement of commanding five
battles, and winning four; having to resign the fifth as a stalemate. He was
then able to strive to advance within the church.

At the young age of twenty he was quickly promoted in the church of Tempus.
He was named the Battleguard of Tempus. Taking up the torch, he made his mark
throughout the kingdoms of Faerun. From his home town of Silverymoon to
Swordpoint Hall he has completed the Foehammer's work. With his close board
of advisors consisting of the Swordsmaster Selveem, the Battlepriestess
Aubrey, and finally the War Wizard Zorinar. After establishing his chain of
command, Jarris was called away to the far east.

A war raged in the east between two tribes. One of them was known as the
Rashemi a tribe of berserkers who served Tempus. Their call for help was
answered in the form of Jarris. They were fighting a war against the Thayans,
an opposing tribe. For two long years the war raged, but neither side gaining
much ground on the other. Marching out to the largest fight yet, Jarris saw a
white mare cross the battlefield before him. Seeing this sign was all that
was needed. Gaining high ground, the Rashemi beat back the Thayans into a
deep valley. Once surrounded, the Thayans surrendered With this marking the
fifth victory for Jarris, his title as Battleguard was finally, and
rightfully, earned.

Since returning home, Jarris spends most of his time in Waterdeep with his
wife and child or adventuring with his close Generals.

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