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Jezebel - Mornmistress of Lathander

Jezebel was born and raised in an orphanage in Zhentil Keep, where she was
granted her name because she grew faster than the other girls and attracted
the attention of the headmistress' husband. She was considered a bully and
ringleader among the orphans, who all referred to her as Dragonlady because
of her brash attitude. One evening, when the headmistress' husband had been
drinking, he went on a rampage, throwing things and beating any of the
children that would get in his way. Knowing she would likely be a target,
Jezebel took this opportunity to break out and flee, hopping a merchant
caravan to the city of Waterdeep, where she would spend most of her days
training to be the most powerful transmuter she could be. She aimed to be
utterly self-reliant. She kept the name Jezebel for herself, despite its
connotation, because it was the only thing she ever really knew to be a name.

This didn't go exactly as planned, and she found herself growing lonely.
Seeking a new beginning and a new life, she turned to the Dawn and sought a
following in the faith of Lathander, vowing to leave her sad, lonely life
behind and walk in the sun. The church welcomed her with open arms and she
found herself aiding others and making friends in no time. Before long she
had a strong and unwavering devotion to Lathander... a stronger one than a
spellcaster normally would.

One day, as she was traveling with her familiar, a group of Cyricist priests
accosted and harassed her, mocking and attacking her for the deity she chose
to serve. She didn't stand down and took the priests' chiding, which
ultimately grew violent. The priests killed her and her familiar, and they
destroyed her body, never to be recovered. She rested in the Fugue, awaiting
Lathander to come and claim her, and though he did come he made an offer to
her instead. She would be granted a brand new body, allowed to start from the
beginning and walk Faerun once more, if she would serve Lathander as a
priestess for the rest of her days. She readily agreed and was reborn in the
Spires of Morning in Waterdeep among her concerned brothers and sisters. She
was made Mornmistress of Lathander not long after, for she was not only a
living, breathing example of Lathander's teachings, but also was deemed by
Lathander to be a worthy leader.

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