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Lady Luck, The Lady Who Smiles, Our Smiling Lady, Tyche's Fair Haired Daughter
Holy Symbol - A Silver Coin Holy Symbol
Followers - Tymoran(s)
Domains - Fate and Travel
Cleric Alignments - NG, CG, CN
Follower Alignments - Any
Enemies - Beshaba
Allies - Lathander, Selune (minor friendships to Brandobaris, Garl
Glittergold, and Erevan Ilesere)
Current Faith Manager - Mya

Luck incarnate in all forms and manner. She carries the portfolios of Good
Fortune, Skill, Victory, and Adventuring. Tymora is who many seek when life
deals them poor cards or those seeking to gain further glory and establish
their name throughout the realms.

Followers of Tymora may use their high favor to supplicate (see help
supplicate) for recall to a safe haven, and resurrection. If they are
extremely holy, they may ask for and receive artifacts of Tymora.

Tymora sponsors a specialist order of priests called the "Fellows of Free
Fate". They concentrate their efforts against Beshaba.

For more information on this deity we recommend:

Please ignore any 4th edition and later information

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