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Lerytha Holt, Scholar of Oghma

A fledgling mage, Lerytha Holt came to Waterdeep as a young Amnian girl,
finding that her inquistitiveness and desire for stimulating debate left
most people annoyed. She once entertained an ambition for power, until
on a trip to Westgate, she got kicked in the head by a horse spending
the next twenty years recovering in a temple of Ilmater. Recently, she
returned to Waterdeep when she discovered that the faith of Oghma had
been placed into disrepute. A keen scholar, with interests in the law
and in debate, she has taken on a right-hand role beside the High Bard
Mira Mockingbird to help the faith of Oghma flower again. She is no
great power in the Realms, relying on her wits and neutral stance
to see her safe.

After a brief spate as the Namer of Oghma and sole leader, she
began to share power with the current High Bard Ynaura Larkspur,
a partnership which has worked well for the Oghman faith for a
long time now.

Lerytha's interest in law and politics led her to serve on the
Lawmakers for some time, before finally standing in an election,
becoming one of the first three Elected Lords of Waterdeep. There,
she works hard to bring clarity to the proceedings of her City,
a City which few doubt she loves absolutely and completely, at
times to the detriment of reason. This old lady will do almost
anything for the City of Waterdeep, and that makes her somewhat
dangerous to some people.

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