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Luggage Services

Ingenious merchants have noticed that many adventurers found it hard to find
a good place to store their belongings. They allied together and founded the
Luggage Service, a huge vault where adventurers' belongings can be stored ...
for a small fee, naturally.

They decided to have it built in a central place: Shadowdale.

OOC: Currently, each adventurer is limited to one bag, that can contain at
most 100 units of weight. You can find out the prices by visiting the Luggage
Service in Shadowdale. All those parameters (bag size, prices, ...) might
still need to be tweaked.

If you forget the keywords for interacting with Herbert, ask him for 'details'.

* The luggage service has expanded, opening a new location in Waterdeep!
Find it beneath the Dripping Dagger Inn. Its storage area is magically linked
to that of the original luggage service in Shadowdale.

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