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Spell Memorisation

Syntax: memorise  (or just 'mem') 
memorise <spell name>
memorise [number of instances to memorise] <spell name>
mem [instances] [effective level (to apply metamagic)] <spell name>
memorise domain <spell name>

All spellcasters save bards are required to 'memorize' and prepare their
spells. All spellcasters have a fixed number of each level of spell, called
'slots', which they can fill with the spells of their choosing from amongst
those that they know.

Once the spells are prepared, and asigned to their spell slots, they will be
red in your spell slots, until you recover the energy to cast them. You gain
the energy to cast the spells one at a time; it will turn green in your slot,
and you will receive the echo 'You regain enough energy to cast <spell

The spell, once cast, will go red once again, and recover over time again
unless you clear out the slot by FORGETTING the spell. Engaging in other
activity, especially combat, can significantly affect the rate of regaining
your spells. MEDITATION can speed your memorization time dramatically.

Memorise on its own will list the spells that you have memorised in their
slots. Using a spell name as argument will put that spell in the appropriate
slot, if one is available. You can memorise more than one of the same spell
with one command. For instance, to memorise 5 fireballs, use
'memorise 5
. If you wish to make sure that the fireballs go into a level 8 slot
to enable you to cast them with both 'maximise' and 'empower' meta-magic
feats you would type
'memorize 5 8 fireball'.

Clerics are granted domain spells by their deities. You may pick the domain
spells you want to memorise in your domain slots by typing
'memorise domain
<domain spell name>'
. Only domain spells may be memorized in domain slots.

You must be resting, meditating, or mounted in order to memorise a spell.
Wizards will also need to be holding their spellbook. All other spellcasters
do not require a spellbook to memorise.

* Spell energy is regained in the order the spells appear in your 'mem'
listing; thus, the order in which you memorize your spells can be used to
control which of them is recovered soonest after being cast.

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