Online Help


Syntax: smelt <ore or imperfect metal>

Smelting is the process of taking raw ore that has been mined and turning it
into metal that is then usable for making armour and weapons. In order to
learn how to smelt a PC will need to do a quest to learn the skill. The
skill is not learned with the train command but only by quest.

* To make steel from iron, have charcoal in your inventory when you smelt the
ore. One piece of charcoal is required for each piece of iron ore smelted to
produce an ingot of steel.

* It is now possible to re-smelt two ingots of lower-quality metal to
potentially produce one ingot of higher-quality metal. To attempt to do so,
simply have the two ingots in your inventory, and attempt to smelt them,
rather than ore.

* In order to get multiple ingots of the same quality to work together,
drop them and then pick them up all at once. That should do the trick!

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