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Rennick, Ranger of Mielikki

Rennick was born to a family of peasant farmers in the region of Cormyr. He
was one of many children, as tends to be the way of things with such farming
families. As a boy, he was often known to skip out on his household chores
and duties, and would be found playing adventurer in the woods.

At the age of fourteen, Rennick decided that it was time for him to make his
own way in the world. Packing a small bag with what he deemed his necessary
belongings, he took to the road in the middle of the night. He met up with a
merchant caravan headed for Waterdeep, and traveled for a time with them. He
travelled with them for quite a long time, until they came at to Waterdeep.
He had hoped to find happiness there, but instead he felt out of place.

Remembering the joys of roaming the woods of his homeland, he began more and
more to visit the plains and forests outside of the city. These romps led him
to Ardeep, and to tales of the rangers that lived there. Rennick decided that
he would seek these rangers out, and leave the city life behind him. He began
to journey into the woods more often, and eventually was taken on by a ranger
named Kregor, and taught the ways of the wild. He has faithfully served the
forests since that day.

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