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Wyllium Haversack, Thrice-blessed of Waukeen

Wyllium Haversack, Co-Captain of the Company of Wilona's Sails and self-
proclaimed "Thrice-blessed man of Waukeen", is always recognizable by his
dapper looks, ivory smile, and nose for business. Though his arrival in the
area was one fairly unheralded, he is quick to explain that the lack of
fanfare is due to his loss of an entire kingdom far far away over which he
once ruled, though even those closest to him deny the claim. Working closely
with the lady Apillini Fadden, the second of the Captains of the Company of
Wilona's Sails, the two sought to make their mark in the Kingdoms and, with
patience, determination and an exorbitant amount of sponsoring money from the
church of Waukeen, Wyllium saw his dream of heading a large organization

In regards to his deeper past, Wyllium has never been forthcoming. The oldest
stories he has ever been willing to disclose are in reference to his travels
with the group that included himself and Apillini. Wyllium can oft times be
found in Zazesspur, the host city of his company's Headquarters, working on
Company business or spending time in the temple of Waukeen that sits adjacent
to it. In either location, though, there is a good chance you will find him
either counting coins or discussing deals.

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