Well, there's no Training Temple anymore, not in Waterdeep. Certainly not in Mithril Hall and not in Menzoberranzan either. So the spelling is a remnant of the WD Training Temple and the words aren't true for most hometowns.
The echo in thread title (when typing 'train level' at lvl 9 and having xp to get to lvl 10 in the training area) should be changed to 'You should venture outside the training area to train.'
Alternately, the words 'training area' might be dropped entirely, and the echo would become 'You should venture outside to train.'
You should venture outside the Training Temple to train.
Re: You should venture outside the Training Temple to train.
Menzo has always been slave pits and Mithril Halls have always been Midden Pits. Skullport is pits, most non-good areas are not and have never been temple. It's not really a bug, or a huge inconvenience but something that could be nice to be changed when the guys have time amid bugs and building and code updating.
Beshaba potatoes.