Greetings friends and familiars!
The Luckbringer Valeria, and the High Mage Elenthis invite you to the Tower of Luck in Waterdeep for an evening of gambling for potions!
(Faith enemies are asked to avoid this event, and although ALL other characters are welcomed, if you have an active Mystran or Tymoran, that would be the preferred character to bring) ... p1=68&ah=3
Mystran/Tymoran Potions Gambling Night!
Mystran/Tymoran Potions Gambling Night!
Far away and across the field, the tolling of the iron bell calls the faithful to their knees to hear the softly spoken magic spell.
Re: Mystran/Tymoran Potions Gambling Night!
Valeria has contacted me, and needs to postpone this event. She will setup a new time when she is able to get back to her computer.