... 1T11&p1=76Greetings, Cousin
You may have heard me mention the idea of banding together to pursue interests of the People here upon the mainland. Please join us at the mentioned time if you wish so we may discuss at greater lengths the possibilities. Please contact me for further details, or scheduling concerns.
-Naiaera Neidre, Ranger of the Coronal
So Naiaera has spoken in the past of an elven adventuring group, and this is a specific invitation for a meeting sent from Naiaera to the characters Aramil, Velahrn, Gaelin, Alariel, Soelle, and Maelyrra. If there is anyone else interested, feel free to reach out IC or OOC to meet up with Naiaera, and we'll go from there. Place is yet to be determined. If the time doesn't work we can possibly shift it as well. Also, if I've forgotten someone let me know! I don't think I have, but I know I'm far from perfect.