Caravan Blingdenstone - Skullport

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Caravan Blingdenstone - Skullport

Post by Vaemar » Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:44 pm

It would be nice to have, for a certain price, a fast travel way to get from Blingdenstone to Skullport.
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Re: Caravan Blingdenstone - Skullport

Post by Ungtar » Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:54 pm

OH heck yes it would.

There's a reverse caravan from Skullport to Blingdenstone but not one going that way.
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Re: Caravan Blingdenstone - Skullport

Post by Vaemar » Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:04 am

Yep, the point is that as of now, it is easier to go to the surface to learn stuff that is taught in Skullport and that svirfneblin BADLY need.

It won't be an all-around solution because there is still some stuff that lacks, but at least many svirfneblin will have a much easier time, and will have to go to the surface less often.
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Re: Caravan Blingdenstone - Skullport

Post by Ungtar » Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:50 pm

My goal would be to easily move svirfneblin to and from a lore appropriate place for them to be where they might meet more people to rp with.
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Re: Caravan Blingdenstone - Skullport

Post by Vaemar » Sun Mar 13, 2016 2:35 pm

Since I've got back to playing my deep gnome after this problem frustrated me into not playing her for a long time, I would like to point out why a caravan to Skullport would be very important for gameplay and, more importantly, roleplaying aspects of the svirfneblin race.

At present there are many services which Blingdenstone lacks. Okay, a few of the more reasonable ones could be added, but since they are already in Skullport and drow use them from Skullport quite nicely already, I believe it would be good for deep gnomes as well. This would also grant the sense of gain and a little stimulus to level up these slow-leveling characters.

Where is the problem, however? That most stuff one can do in Skullport can already be done, more easily, on the surface.

For example: teachers of some very important basic spells, writing material (parchments, quills and ink pots), magical post, simple clothes, useful components that Blingdenstone lacks like the essential hide which is necessary to any noob wizard.

Sincerely, when I created my deep gnome I didn't want to go to the surface for trivial matters. I can understand I go to the surface to learn a rare spell or skill, once in a while, but seriously to buy parchment and hides? In the end my character and I were feeling like a thief and so I quitted playing her for a while. Now I am back and I don't want to quit again, so if I have to go to the surface for stupid stuff I will, but still the bitterness remains. I created a deep gnome to play in the Underdark, to play on the surface I have several surface alts.

Now somebody could ask: why if it is available in Skullport do you go to do it on the surface? Simply put: because to go to the surface it takes between 5 and 20 minutes and the trip is relatively safe. To go to Skullport through the Underdark, and still risking a very heavy death, especially for an unfaithed character, it took two hours and a half, unless maybe one is a priest. Honestly I prefer to employ so much time to do something a little funnier than resting no-stop.

But essentially: it does not make sense for a deep gnome to do on the surface what they can do in the Underdark. At present however we are often forced to do so due to extreme difficulties in doing the same down here. A caravan from Blingdenstone to Skullport would fix a good deal of that, and give more consistency to the race roleplay.

In addition to that the Skull Caverns could be added to the very narrow list of areas deep gnomes use to train. In fact while for most drow they are pretty frustrating, since there are hostile spiders that one needs to stun, deep gnomes could on the other hand enjoy them quite nicely, being filled with what are their natural enemies.

Also being able to use the magical post and the notice board in Skullport could allow deep gnomes to interact more easily with outsiders, when they need to, of course, like for example to buy components from surface characters in Skullport, instead than going themselves on the surface to gather them, which again goes "a tad" against the racial background.

It doesn't end here: there is a big inconsistency to the caravans available to deep gnomes right now, they can in fact get on a caravan to a pretty exclusive place which has some nice stuff, but more useful for advanced character development, rather than the basic stuff most deep gnome characters badly need. The other caravan available is, quite oddly, the one from Skullport back to Blingdenstone, which makes me really wonder why we can't get it also for the other way around. The only thing a caravan Blingdenstone-Skullport could alter is making much easier a small quest. Frankly I put the consistency of a race's roleplay at a higher priority than a single quest.

Last but not least: it is true that the Underdark must be a hard place and that nothing should be taken as granted there, but this would definitely not make life for deep gnomes easy. In fact as I said it is already pretty easy to do what can be done in Skullport, the problem is that it goes against the racial characterization, i.e. going to the surface. Now we have the grotesque situation where a deep gnome can get to Skullport more easily through the surface than through the Underdark, despite being an Underdark dweller who should definitely have an easier time below, rather than topside.

I know it is a bit long, but I felt these points had to be analyzed thoroughly to better explain the implications of the proposal.
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Re: Caravan Blingdenstone - Skullport

Post by Talos » Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:57 am

Seems more like an oversight than intent when they built Blingdenstone. I seem to recall they also forgot a bank at one point. Suggestions for which mob and a fair fee to set a caravan on?
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Re: Caravan Blingdenstone - Skullport

Post by Llanthyr » Mon Mar 14, 2016 6:25 am

I'd suggest the banker in the middle of the town or one of the wizards in the wizard's guild, and for a fee set around the similar price range with Menzoberranzan. 7 platinums would be on par with Menzo, but I'd go as much as 15 platinums for the caravan.
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Re: Caravan Blingdenstone - Skullport

Post by Vaemar » Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:53 pm

Personally I would set it more expensive than in Menzo, because for reasons I would not like to disclose here svirfnebli are quite rich.

Probably 10-12 plats would be okay in my opinion. So that one thinks a moment about it before hopping on the caravan.

About the mob the banker would be okay but I would seriously consider also:
-aunt Mae who already manages a caravan
-one of the many merchants, in particular Otiros of the Miner's Best Friend or Drago the fruitseller.
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Re: Caravan Blingdenstone - Skullport

Post by Rordan » Mon Mar 14, 2016 2:56 pm

Hello folks!

The person who should do it, in my opinion, is aunt Mae. She does a caravan already, best to keep it to one mob in one place.

The cost? It can be hard for young svirfs to earn coin, considering it takes a loooong time to get to the acid aerie. I suggest first trip there and back free, and 10-15 plat every time after.
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Re: Caravan Blingdenstone - Skullport

Post by Talos » Mon Mar 14, 2016 7:06 pm

The standard limitation is level 15 before one can leave their Underdark community, do we feel it should be the same, lower, or higher for the caravan? Note below level 10 will not be an option. Do Svirf benefit more for being made to wait or do they need more of what SP has to offer?

On a side note, if someone wants to build a training area for Svirfs to bridge the gap until they can reach the aerie, feel free to app. It need not be complicated.
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Re: Caravan Blingdenstone - Skullport

Post by Rordan » Mon Mar 14, 2016 7:37 pm

Working on a leveling area concept already!

As for being made to wait, a trainer or two in a leveling area would be more useful than skullpirt at level 10. Keep the restriction at 15 , that's my opinion.
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Re: Caravan Blingdenstone - Skullport

Post by Vaemar » Mon Mar 14, 2016 7:49 pm

Same, perhaps it is the drow who need it a bit lower, but for svirfneblin 15 would be fine.
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Re: Caravan Blingdenstone - Skullport

Post by Rordan » Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:01 pm

Drow, to my knowledge, have a caravan to ched nasad at a low level and areas to get to 20 fairly easy. But that's my impression on my lowbie drow. I don't think drow need a before lvl 15 caravan to skullpirt, Menzo has a ton of training already
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Re: Caravan Blingdenstone - Skullport

Post by Vaemar » Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:07 pm

Rordan wrote:Drow, to my knowledge, have a caravan to ched nasad at a low level and areas to get to 20 fairly easy. But that's my impression on my lowbie drow. I don't think drow need a before lvl 15 caravan to skullpirt, Menzo has a ton of training already
Eh, no, not for the training necessities, but there are a few handy skills/feats in Skullport in particular for rogues and spellcasters. But this is a bit off-topic, sorry for having mentioned it.
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Re: Caravan Blingdenstone - Skullport

Post by Talos » Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:39 pm

This caravan will be implemented asap.
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Re: Caravan Blingdenstone - Skullport

Post by Vaemar » Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:23 pm

Thank you dearly.
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