A Corpse Issue Between Character Deletion & Recreation

This forum contains bugs which the test team have been unable to reproduce.
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A Corpse Issue Between Character Deletion & Recreation

Post by Andreas » Tue Aug 30, 2016 9:00 pm

I was helping Lev (the human) look for his corpse. Took him to the Corpse Conservatory off the Market Square, looked at the registry and there wasn't anything listed.

Went down Selduth street and Loic said Lev's body was in that Corpse Conservatory. We went in, the cleric of Kelemvor did the greet prog for Lev (the human) and Lev responded "yes" he wanted his corpse back. Well, the cleric of Kelemvor brought a moon elf corpse.

I told Lev OOC that he wasn't allowed to take anything off that corpse (the moon elf). I also asked him if he'd originally created as a moon elf then deleted and recreated as a human. He said he might have done so.

So apparently there's a bug where if you create a character using a name, die, get your corpse taken to the corpse conservatory, delete that character and recreate using the same name, you can still get access to your first character corpse.

Also the cleric of Kelemvor in the Corpse Conservatory on Selduth Street doesn't seem to have the same progs to allow someone to check the corpse registry there. I tried to do so to see if there was a second corpse of Lev in there, but the mob didn't respond at all. I think it would be helpful for it to have that set of progs too.
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Re: A Corpse Issue Between Character Deletion & Recreation

Post by Harroghty » Thu Sep 01, 2016 4:16 pm

I am not sure that this is really a bug. The program at any corpse conservatory (CC) recovers corpses by name; it matches your name to the name of a corpse. If you and a corpse have the same name then it should be yours.

The CC on Selduth Street is just an annex for convenience, but it draws from the same storage as the main one in the Market. Thus it does not offer a full registry.
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Re: A Corpse Issue Between Character Deletion & Recreation

Post by Talos » Thu Sep 01, 2016 5:37 pm

This is a fringe case, we should make note on recreates to clean out old corpses, a general owhere check for them should be standard anyway, due diligence for stuff hidden in the mail or w/e.
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