How frequent do the shopsellers restock their wares?
For I have seen that for at least 2 weeks real time the components from the Cross'd Wands component seller are still "out of stock" and I believe not many visit the school (except for the wizards, even though the stock choice is not very large...).
I ask this specially in context of the School, for other places might be much more often visited and so the case is justified, but here it is otherwise.
Restocking frequency
Restocking frequency
No! I don't want to be a "Sword Novice"! I wish to be a "Whip" or "Crossbow Novice"! Swords are so... mundane...
Re: Restocking frequency
Post the mob name and area in rainy day fixes and that she has items out of stock. That's enough for our builders to look into and know what to fix and not to share ic info of what is sold.
Beshaba potatoes.