Thoughts to Share

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Thoughts to Share

Post by Ailyn » Tue Nov 29, 2016 10:14 pm

So, I know many have seen how Ailyn has been since I returned for my 3 months away. This is partially roleplay I have done, but I also felt like it was time to share the reasoning behind it and my time away.

Back in March I lost a good friend of mine. I haven't shared it with anyone within my life of this game either. I spent those months more or less away from people, both online and off. When I came back, I was still feeling depressed. This resulted in a slight change to Ailyn's personality too. This also lead to rp changes. I myself have still felt depressed, and at times felt like giving up on FK again. But for now, I am still here, as I consider this my home away from real life. I am still working on getting over the lose of a great person in my life, and that is always a long process. Anyways, thank you for listening, and see you in game.
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
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Re: Thoughts to Share

Post by Zethanon » Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:16 pm

I'm sorry for your loss. Losing people close to you is hard. I lost a friend last year and it hit me pretty hard, too. I play this game to occupy my time but when it becomes an OOC emotional rollercoaster I try to step away and regroup for a bit. Currently my best friends baby (one I visited within the month of her birth) has Biliary Atresia, and needs a new liver and while cadaver is preferred (more selective process) being on a transplant list always seems pretty disheartening. It's a bit hard when she's a thousand miles away. Positive thoughts keep me through the days while we wait. Hoping the best for you as time goes and sending positive thoughts your way.
You'll shed your blood, your bodies fall. That is the price you'll pay to cleanse you of your sins. Vicious and cruel, let's kill them all.
Let's kill them all.
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