OOC: This is going to be a dry run with the hope to establish an interesting mage duel ruleset that can be pulled out and used for a more grandiose event in the future (hopefully). Feedback before and after the event would be greatly appreciated, I am easy to get a hold of on here or discord!Arcanists of all walks: take heed, the church of Mystra aims to conduct a preliminary wizarding tournament in Her honor. In the spirit of creativity and ingenuity, there will be unique rules of engagement- as to not stagnate out to a mere slugging match between the most learned mages. A match will be decided on a best of three scenario in a five-pace area, a singular round being the duration of a mage drawing "first blood" on their opponent. The first to two points shall be declared the winner, regardless of damage wrought.
The limit of spells one can bring to bare are as follows: Spells of the forth degree and lower are permitted, area-effect spells are barred for the risk of those who will judge and observe blows. As of yet, there is an opening for a secondary referee- feel free to contact Weaveguardian Stigr by any means. Otherwise the honor system will be a necessity.
To clarify, the combatants will start in separate rooms out of line-of-sight and then seek one another out to deal damage. "First blood" is defined as the first to take HP damage, even if it's 1%, a hit is a hit. Think of it like mage paintball, in a way.
I'm thinking... the 19th, at 6pm PST!
https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ ... =3260&ah=2
The day has been pushed forward due to request!