Ranks within the house

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Ranks within the house

Post by Lysha » Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:54 pm

Inner House Rankings

A house consists of, in the order of rank, as follows:

1. A ruling Matron Mother.
2. The Matron’s first daughter.
3. Any daughters in birth order that are in training to become priestesses, or are priestesses.
4. Any daughters in birth order not in training.
5. Any priestesses not of the same family.
6. The Elderboy, first son of the Matron.
7. The Secondboy, the Matron’s second son. The third son born is sacrificed to Lloth at birth, unless one of the first two sons die before he is born.
8. The Patron, the Matron’s current lover.
9. The House Mage, if none of the sons has taken the position.
10. The Weapons Master or Trainer. Also a position that can be taken by a son.
11. Any warriors and mages.
12. Any slaves or workers.

Also information on how a House starts.

Learn your place, males!!!
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Re: Ranks within the house

Post by Stayne » Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:22 am

Lysha wrote:Learn your place, males!!!
Remember though that males ARE NOT slaves. They are a lower social caste of drow, but they are still drow and they still serve their houses.
Be warned the commoner female priestess who steps up to the likes of Gromph and thinks to set him in his place ;)

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Post by Lysha » Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:32 am

I know they are not slaves, that comment was just a joke.

Rar! ;)
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Post by Telk » Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:56 am

Be warned the commoner female priestess who steps up to the likes of Gromph and thinks to set him in his place
Thet brings up a question would a male drow ever be able to kill or assault a female drow? Without being torn apart limb by limb :twisted:
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Post by Stayne » Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:36 am

The simple answer is both yes and no. All drow are opportunists by nature, and treachery, when successfully done inside their loose guidelines, is silently applauded.
When drow meet in such a manner that is confrontational, both drow will be automatically assessing the social rank of that person versus their own, as well as where they are, who is watching, possible gains from persuing an encounter, possible losses and all this given over to wether they as a charetcer are the type to push or be meek etc.

Even though females of any social order are ranked higher than males via their caste, if a commoner female tried to order a noble male around (worse if its one of any rank like a weaponsmaster) in a dark alley where no-one was watching. I see no reason why said male could not just gut the female and walk on. There would be no reprisals for who would lower themselves to ally with a commoner.
If it was a priestess, then other priestesses might take offence, but I think in general most would look on the slain one as being weak, for what true priestess would allow a lowly male to cut them down so. Best to be rid of such weakness then not.
And then of course, there is no proof of the deed. While a commoner priestesses (if raised back) word would be believed over a males, if that male is noble, what house would do anything, for to do something might incite a house conflict that they are not prepared for etc etc. Drow lives are webs within webs :)

And after saying all that I have only just scratched the surface of intricate and convulted drow machinations can get. My simple point is to remember that males are still drow.
I used Gromph as an example for being both first boy of House Baenre and Archmage of Menzoberranzan, he is feared by even the most powerful of females.

This is my view though so feel free to disagree.
Either way - hope it helps
Last edited by Stayne on Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Talamar » Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:37 am


If he's never caught. Remember, drow die all the time, it's how you kill, who you kill, and how important they are that matters.

A male could kill a female pretty easily, even if he just steps back at the proper time and lets something else do it.

Drow scheme and plot as much as they breathe. It's a healthy reminder for RP as a drow.
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Post by Talamar » Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:15 am

As long as we're on the subject, I would like to step up to the soap box and have a little rant.

You have the rankings basically right, except for one thing. If the Matron's first daughter isn't a priestess, then any noble priestess outranks her.

One thing I've noticed, and I really feel the need to comment on. Nobles are the direct children of the Matron Mother. That's how you are noble, no if's and's or buts. The only other way to become noble, is to be adopted, and if you are adopted, you are from then on considered a child of the Matron Mother. Any children a priestess has, are commoners, unless that priestess becomes Matron Mother, then her children are elevated to being nobles. Also, if a Matron mother is slain, or dies, then her children remain noble.

You can't lose it, but you can gain it.

Also, noble drow female become priestesses.

This isn't something that's usually a choice. If you are a noble drow female, you are trained as a priestess.

Now yes, the elite guard are women. 9 times out of 10 they are commoners.

Women commoners rank that high, to recieve training as the elite guards.

You'll also notice that there are very few, if any women Weaponsmasters. Why you might ask, but the answer is simple. Weaponsmasters are responsible for training ALL of the warriors of the house, and in drow society, women are above such things. Women warriors don't go to Melee-Magthere. They are trained directly by the Weaponsmaster, who in turn DID attend and graduate Melee-Magthere.

Now yes, there are exceptions to the rule. There are cases where a noble woman shows such arcane aptitude, she becomes a Wizardess instead.
These women, if they do not also become priestesses, are looked down on. Most of them train as both, and become Wizardess/Priestesses ala Liriel.

Now, I'm not writing this to yell and tell anyone they are wrong, or they can't do anything. I just wanted to clue people in on the background that they are choosing to roleplay so they can be better informed.

I'm about as fanatic about drow, as Andreas is about elves. I love them dearly, and I've read almost every word FR has written about them. I'd be happy to answer questions and the like.

I just wanted those who really decide they want to give this roleplay a chance, to know where they are coming from.

Ranks within the house

Post by Mezbarris » Fri Nov 05, 2004 9:38 am

Let's remember, too, that those are uniform/book ranks. So while that may be true, the inner happenings of a house are what control ranks. :) For example, Zeerith is said to favour wizards, while Mez'Barris is said to favour male warriors greatly. I think if I, as Mez'Barris, walked into an area of Qu'ellerz'orl where Armgo's stay and found a female overly mistreating a male fighter, the female may then be the one in for a surprise. :)

The other thing to remember on FK is we do not have most of the listed things. First daughters, elder boys, etc. So it can basically be cut to, Matrons, Priestess', Female Warriors, House Mage, Weaponsmaster, and warriors and mages, and of course anyone a MM deems slave as class slave is not exactly available. ;)

Maybe we can look into a way of roleplay and significant way to start naming first seconds etc daughters and sons, it would definately be interesting. :) Maybe an item of specific blatentcy "a ring of the First Daughter" etc. :)

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Post by Stayne » Fri Nov 05, 2004 9:52 am

Mezbarris - I love the idea of some type of signifier for the noble sons and daughters. Their rivalry, especially in trying to gain the place above them would make great RP opportunities, though I think giving out a first boy/girl ring could be like giving out a death sentence to some players :lol:

To expand on the idea, and incoportate what Talamar was saying about the houses and Noble caste, I was thinking that perhaps commoners should be allowed to be recruited into drow houses. This could then facilitate more house intereaction as well with commoners forming some of the base ranks. My suggestion to do this would be to allow MM's, Weapon masters, 1st boys and girls to recruit. They could give a badge that is a "Mark of House <suchandsuch>" to the char on acceptance. (for the badge, put it on a house mob for sale with an ifcheck to check for the ring Mezbarris suggested or whatever else mark the game uses for weapon masters and MM's).
Those who wish to remain non-affiliated can, or still have the option to be recruited by Jarlaxle (and then perhapos even recruited into a house as a spy for Jarlaxle ;))

Hehe - getting carried away again I think :)
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