Polymorph Races Allowed

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Polymorph Races Allowed

Post by Algon » Sun Jul 14, 2019 2:29 pm

So was thinking about this today and I had thought that it would be extremely nice to have a list, like you get with armor/weapon crafting, of the races that you are able to polymorph into at each skill level. Type polymorph and just like with smithing, it comes up with the races you can change into. Just a thought!
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Re: Polymorph Races Allowed

Post by Grenwyn » Sun Jul 14, 2019 4:20 pm

I do personally enjoy the process of experimentation to discover the forms that can and cannot be taken. But beyond the personal satisfaction, I think that gives polymorph a unique track to mastery: unlike other spells or skills, where mastery involves repetitive grinding, polymorph mastery involves exploration, experimentation, and comparing notes with other more accomplished casters.

There's not even a mechanical quest involved! That's just the emergent effect of the fact that we don't have an authoritative polymorph list. I think that's a great aspect of the game.

You can get by with a few main forms, or you can try to collect them all; one of my characters has upwards of 50, but I suspect there may be a few more I'm missing. That keeps me trying new things whenever I see them.
Kalahani Ka'uhane
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