Henchman and Hirelings

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Henchman and Hirelings

Post by Elvoriel » Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:52 am

I tend to play at the times of day the when the mud is shy of many players, and it is starting to make me wonder if anyone has suggested a henchman system?

While we obviously want people to get together and RP, sometimes this just isnt possible. I think this can be a very good way to help area's in particular that do not have a lot of characters help you get going.

I would think you might want to limit the NPC's to maybe one per class, so a fighter can hire a priest to heal him, and a mage can hire a fighter to guard them. You would need to limit them to hire only at starting areas (Mithral Hall, Waterdeep, Menzo, Zhentil Keep etc), and cost maybe 2 platinum per game day period to hire, and obviously keep them not very powerful so its more for newbie characters.

It could even be a facet of the prestige classes idea being talked about at the moment, where fighters can strive to become lords and get man-at-arms, and rangers can get their own grove and pets or scouts to follow them etc. Wizards could employ acolytes to run their tower, and Priests to run their temple.

What do you all think?
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Post by Jharthyne » Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:23 pm

I kind of prefer rping out the henchmen stuff. After all, if you are a powerful fighter, you would attract a following from those younger fighters who much will be like followers. Similarly, my low level thief could rp to be the henchman of some other more powerful character.

I myself also play at times when people are just not around. What I do in this case is to use that time to explore a bit on my own, and log in on weekends during those times when people are around to do the rping.

Or just buy a pet dragon. :)
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Post by Stayne » Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:42 pm

Understand and sympathise with the dilema as I also play mostly at a time when few are on. Unfortunately I don't think having such henchman is a good idea for the same reason multi-classing or have a cross class skill (see prestige class thread) is a good idea. It simply goes further to promote single play when I believe we are striving towards more multiplay.
Also remember that there are many classes that can summon some type of help (ranging from familiars to elemntals to animals) and there are many pets and mounts in the game that aid in battle (and RP).

Alot of area's are doable alone and there are literally a ton of quests that are great fun and can be done by anyone. The places or quests that aren't, are designed that specifically to encourgae multiplay. I know some classes and races (evils/orcs/drow etc) have less options for places to go alone, but the solution to this is to incorporate more places into the game.
If you have ideas, I am sure the builders are always interested, and if you want to even write an area there is often someone who will code it. (This applies to quests as well)

If the problem is finding RP or meeting the few people that are on then my suggestions is perhaps we start a thread (perhaps a sticky one) where if we are online and wish for RP and there are few around, we simply post a note something like:
Stayne is the Purple Haze, ZK for any who wish to join him.
Snugglepuff the ranger is at the entrance to Ardeep.

My IM's are available to all and I have no problems a person dropping me a line asking if I am around for RP, as I am sure many others are not (though at least with a post you know we are definetly on the MUD and not just online).

I know I haven't given many ideas, but essentially I encourage you to look for ways to get people (even if its only a few) together rather than ways that facilitate them on their own.

Hope this helps
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Post by Exer » Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:08 pm

Orcs have henchmen that they can use. Unfortunatly, due to a bug they cannot leave the temple. But maybe soon, they will be free!! :wink:

Post by Gidan » Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:22 pm

I think that having henchmen would be a great idea for those places that fighters can't get through alone , or wizard can't get through by themself. But they couldn't be overpowerful just as was earlier stated . Although wth a bit of tweeking I think it would work very wel.
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Post by Kirkus » Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:25 pm

The problem with that is that areas that are not meant to be gone through alone would then be easily dooable. Take Undermountain. If a wizard were to have a fighter hireling he/she could walk the halls like he/she owned the place. That totally undermines the idea behind UM. It is meant to bring pc's together to accomplish what is not feasable alone.
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Post by Aegin » Fri Nov 05, 2004 6:34 pm

Well, no, because any hirelings shouldn't be that powerful.

Hirelings are for hire because they are lower level and trying to make money.

If they were powerful enough to help with UM, they would be hiring people themselves, not being hired out.

Hirelings should not be above 15-20th level at the *max*

If they are even allowed.
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Post by Kirkus » Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:19 pm

But don't you think it would be better to go hire a pc? Low level pc's should be doing that all the time. And upper level pc's should be hireing them. For many reasons.... One, its rp with another pc. Two it helps the younger pc. raise skills and money. Yeah I know that not every one is on when others are on. There was about a whole year two or three years ago that I did not see a single other pc on because I was playing in the middle of the night. It sucks. But if we give this to them, the pc's that have the other pc's on that they could hire will just hire the npc and not the pc.
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Post by Aegin » Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:38 pm

Oh, I agree, I don't think they should be here, either.

I was just pointing out the UM example wasn't necessarily a why they shouldn't be.
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Post by Gidan » Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:55 pm

I guess that your correct that it would reduce roleplays with real people, but what about certain places having henchmen ? I don't know if I can think of a good example , but a few places having henchmen would be kind of neat I think . :D