Tales from the Crypt

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Tales from the Crypt

Post by Dalgrim » Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:53 pm

We’ve all been there. There is that moment of dread when we die and the haunting melodies of death tug at your soul. How do you cope with it? Especially when you have an underdeveloped character? I play characters that are reclusive and hard to get to know. I am very much guilty of this. How do you entice a heroine or hero to rescue you from folly?

Make friends is the best advice, but how does difficult personality do that after they bit off more than they can chew?

Post a log, story, or summary of a valiant rescuer here.

I'll start: Thanks Tanelia and Draen.

A dripping lacedon's bite perforates your abdomen.
You ignore the dark energy of a dripping lacedon's bite.

...Everything begins to fade to black.

You feel yourself leaving your body... rising up into the air, you feel
more free than you have ever felt before...

However, before your deity comes to collect your soul, you feel a strange
pulling sensation as strange and colorful mists swirl around you...

Realms of the dead
You see no way out.
You must stay here to determine your fate. Your mortal body lies upon Faerun,
slowly rotting away. You float around here in a spirit like state awaiting to
see what the gods determination of your fate will be. You find your memories
slowly fading, bits of you slipping away, lost to time.

You hear the sound of eerie music nearby.

You tell A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf 'What is this? You hear dis music too?'
A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf replies to you 'I'm afraid I don't. Who are you?'
You reply to A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf 'I be runt o de pack.. Obin the two leggeds named me. I was.. mind so foggy.'
A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf replies to you 'Do you need help?'
You reply to A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf 'Yes, lost I be. Drifting in mist.'
A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf replies to you 'What is the last thing you remember before you... entered the mist?'
You reply to A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf 'Trash, hunting undead. Ambushed wet zombies for their tongues. Too many. Body froze.'
A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf replies to you 'In Waterdeep?'
You reply to A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf 'The filthy place of Waterdeep, yes. Rats and mounds of trash. Yes!'
You reply to A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf 'Found hidden place, dug deeper, found priests and undead'
A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf replies to you 'I will see what I can do'

You tell A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf, OOC 'This is a big interruption, if you don't have time no worries. Sorta relishing this characters first death.'
A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf replies to you, OOC 'Oh it is fine, not doing anything, so I have time^^'
You reply to A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf, OOC 'Yay!'

You reply to A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf 'No wolf pack here, no howls. No sun. No moon. No Obin?'
A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf replies to you 'I believe I can guide you back. Just.. give me a little time. I am tracing your steps'

You hear the sound of eerie music nearby.

You reply to A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf 'Yes, yes. Guide. I be lost. No wind to carry smells.. No trees to talk to... Nothing.'
A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf replies to you 'It might take me some time to reach you, but I promise, I will guide you back to the light'

Draen tells you 'Aooi'
Draen tells you 'Yer are goot?'
You reply to Draen 'Who... who is this? Lost I be in the mist.'
Draen tells you 'Brcgo! ah bae Draen!'
Draen tells you 'Lost? Ow yct fir lost?'
You reply to Draen 'Draen... beard.. warf! We hunted chief together. So foggy.. mind fading.'
Draen replies to you 'Wur tha fog git yer?'
You reply to Draen 'Filthy place, trash, dug deep found priests and undead. Wet zombie froze me...'
You reply to Draen 'Some mind said they would guide me, said it would take time.'
Draen replies to you 'oh.. .yer foun dah dark under tha dark?'

You hear the sound of eerie music nearby.

You reply to Draen 'No, hidden path in trash place of Waterdeep. Hills of trash and rats.'
A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf replies to you 'I have found the mist and some undead... be strong.. you will see the light again'
Draen replies to you 'Hhffcn oh....'

You tell A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf 'Voice! Are you me spirit guide? Wet zombies west of the mist. Careful!'
You reply to Draen 'Word, smaller pieces'
A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf replies to you 'I have found your remains. Unfortunately I had to retreat, but I will not give up'
You reply to A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf 'Danger where mist and tunnel meet. Many wander near, let none bite you, let none freeze you.'
Draen tells you 'Ah know where yer died'
You reply to Draen 'There is a spirit guide near. I can sense her. She found me, but had to run.'
Draen tells you 'She has body?'

You hear the sound of eerie music nearby.

You reply to Draen 'So foggy, music be so loud. Confused. She found me, but had to run. She no give up!'
Draen replies to you 'What name?'
You tell A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf 'Spirit guide have name? warf friend looking for spirit guide.'
A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf replies to you 'I am Oracle Tanelia'
You reply to A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf '*In a calm voice* You make the forests green this day. Iza no scared now.'

Draen replies to you 'Ah bae amk'n'
Draen replies to you 'Ah take nap!'

A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf replies to you 'I managed to get your remains. I will take you to Selune's temple if you don't mind'
You reply to A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf 'You be guide, I lost.'
You tell Draen 'Spirit guide take me body to temple.'

You hear the sound of eerie music nearby.

A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf replies to you 'I am back in the temple and one of my sisters is willing to channel Selune's powers to bring your spirit back into your body. I am afraid though, it will be painful'
You reply to A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf 'Iza be ready. Pain better than no wind, no smells, no memory.'

You hear the sound of eerie music nearby.

A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf replies to you 'Good. She will begin then'
You are raised from the dead by a temple priestess.
You can't put something on a belt you aren't wearing!
You strap a pack constructed of woven vines loosely onto your body.
You don a gaping dire snapping turtle-skull helm upon your head.
You must remove a pack constructed of woven vines before putting on a steel-reinforced dire snapping turtle shell.
You place a woven braid of hemp with delicate vine leaf charms loosely around your neck.
You wear gold-buckled bright green sleeves covered with scarlet runes on your arms.
You wear a pair of variegated shell-covered gauntlets on your hands.
You wear a pair of spiked shell-covered boots on your feet.
You slip into steel-reinforced turtle shell leg guards.
You wear a variegated shell-covered belt about your waist.
You place a sunstone-studded grey stone ring loosely onto your finger.
You place a black iron ring covered with verdant runes loosely onto your finger.
You set a brightly glowing ioun stone floating around your head.

You strap a long lacedon tongue tightly around your head. -[Well played game, well played]-

--[A temple priestess casts lots of spells during this exchange]--

Obin howls weakly and convulses. He coughs and moans rolling to his side. Once on his side, he lays still with the exception of his gasping breaths.
A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf is standing near the bed you has been placed on. She smiles 'Welcome back.'.
Obin aims his foggy eyes A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf's way and breaths deep the air, 'Pain worth it. Thanks to me spirit guide.'.

Slightly slanted sky blue eyes look out into the world, sparkling with energy
and enthusiasm.
A mass of golden waves falls down to her mid-back with slightly pointed ears
peeking out from the waves.
She is around 5 feet and 2 inches tall and despite her youth features visible
curves of a woman.

The only remarkable feature about her is the image of a full moon, drawn with silvery
ink on her right cheek.

A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf is in perfect health.
A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf is using:

--[Player Equipment]--

A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf keeps smiling 'Stay in the temple until you feel better. And for official recors - I am Oracle Tanelia. Always there to guide or battle darkness'.
A blonde blue-eyed female halfelf greets you.

Obin howls weakly, 'Obin, runt of pack Longfang.' He coughs repeatedly, 'Ah no think one could be as pretty as the forest.'.
You greet Tanelia.

Tanelia chuckles 'Wanna meet someone really amazing?'.
An Elysian thrush sings happily.
The song is soothing, melodic, and extremely hypnotic.

Obin nods weakly, 'So long as me stay in this bed, yes.'.

This richly hued songbird is about two feet long. It has
a wingspan of about three and a half feet. Its body is
yellow, its head is light blue in colour. Its feathered
wings are blue, with a slightly darker hue on the edge.
(http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/plana ... /82543.jpg)

An Elysian thrush is in perfect health.
an Elysian thrush is using: Nothing!

Tanelia gestures towards the singing an Elysian thrush 'Meet Bard, my wonderful bird friend'.
An Elysian thrush sings happily.
The song is soothing, melodic, and extremely hypnotic.
Obin squeals with excitement. He winces through his pain as he sits up, 'Ello Bard.' He closes his eyes and lets the song fall over him.
Tanelia smiles, a warm smile. 'We will stay in the temple and keep you company while you recover. But for now - I need to wash off some zombie flesh'.
Between the ringing of hammers in the hallowed halls a chant rises:
"Come brother ye sing with me. Ancient enemies, go cower, hide 'n flee! For dwarves be comin' fer ye!"
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Re: Tales from the Crypt

Post by Caylin » Fri Mar 27, 2020 12:55 am

I am wondering how does one 'contact' a living person from the mist if they haven't met them before? ICly, I mean. It doesn't make sense to me unless they are using Speak With Dead and sense you. Even if you've met them before, you shouldn't be able to unless you have an amulet of communication or something like that; which you can't have on you when you're a spirit...

Either way, interesting topic. I've always wanted to roleplay this sort of thing to make death have meaning, and I'm sure I've attempted it in the past but it never felt right. Something amiss. Perhaps it's just because I'm new.
Suldak Moresh, Cleric of Corellon
Caylin Dahvik, Fighter of Golden Oaks
Tahlrem Oakenstone, Hopeful of Mielikki
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Re: Tales from the Crypt

Post by Dalgrim » Fri Mar 27, 2020 1:21 am

Caylin wrote: Fri Mar 27, 2020 12:55 am I am wondering how does one 'contact' a living person from the mist if they haven't met them before?
Honestly, I don't know. This might be a part of the story you have to create to explain the mechanic we can use in the MUD.

This is why I started the thread.

In character, I would like to think the realm of the dead mirrors closely the material realm. Maybe, Obin got lucky and saw some representation of a being and reached out with what he thought was his voice into the mist. The weave or a divine being, connected his mind to another that happens to be receptive or gifted to such callings. Mechanically, I used a tell to talk to a random character who just happened to be up for saving me. I think it is the story of the characters that matter here. This route is not something I am encouraging, but despite our best efforts can happen. I am just curious what others do in this situation.
Between the ringing of hammers in the hallowed halls a chant rises:
"Come brother ye sing with me. Ancient enemies, go cower, hide 'n flee! For dwarves be comin' fer ye!"
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Re: Tales from the Crypt

Post by Caylin » Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:13 am

Ah, yes I like that explanation. What I tend to do, or rather have done in the past (which isn't a lot) is pray to the gods in hopes that one will listen and show mercy. So far, I've been lucky, I guess. Never have I contacted a stranger from the beyond, because I didn't fathom it was possible ICly and breaking the spirit of the game isn't something I wanted to do, so I often panicked when finding myself unexpectedly dead. In fact, up until last week I don't believe I ever communicated with a stranger using the tell command at all. I used to only use the tell command as a precursor to meeting up with friends and acquaintances. I don't even really like using it otherwise, and do so sparingly even now. But in the case of a recluse, there are very few options in death. Perhaps more options will come in future updates.
Suldak Moresh, Cleric of Corellon
Caylin Dahvik, Fighter of Golden Oaks
Tahlrem Oakenstone, Hopeful of Mielikki
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Re: Tales from the Crypt

Post by Dalgrim » Fri Mar 27, 2020 9:08 pm

Caylin wrote: Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:13 am Never have I contacted a stranger from the beyond, because I didn't fathom it was possible ICly and breaking the spirit of the game isn't something I wanted to do
Hmm, maybe you're right. It was not my intent to break the spirit of the game.
Caylin wrote: Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:13 am I used to only use the tell command as a precursor to meeting up with friends and acquaintances. I don't even really like using it otherwise, and do so sparingly even now.
Same, except in the situation above.

I was hoping to start a thread that would be a neat way to say thanks to those who rescue us, and get few examples of how rp goes while one's character is dead. Maybe I should have left out the bit about reclusive characters. If this topic is taboo, my apologies.
Between the ringing of hammers in the hallowed halls a chant rises:
"Come brother ye sing with me. Ancient enemies, go cower, hide 'n flee! For dwarves be comin' fer ye!"
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Re: Tales from the Crypt

Post by Lirith » Fri Mar 27, 2020 9:34 pm

This topic is totally fine. The prayer board is monitored, but only by imms and not constantly, so it's not the ideal way to come back to life unless you don't mind waiting a few days.

I think all of us have been in the situation where we've died and have needed to ask for help, from an OOC point of view I would always rather that someone reach out and ask rather than stay dead. It can lead to further RP and there are ways to fudge around the IC aspect of someone dead contacting someone living.
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Re: Tales from the Crypt

Post by Caylin » Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:04 am

Lirith....always chiming in with the perfect thing to say.. :o :D
Suldak Moresh, Cleric of Corellon
Caylin Dahvik, Fighter of Golden Oaks
Tahlrem Oakenstone, Hopeful of Mielikki
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