Fight Month! Woo!

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Fight Month! Woo!

Post by Enig » Sat Aug 06, 2022 12:11 am

Guess what month it is? That's right! It's Fight Month, sponsored by the followers of Tymora! We'll be holding three different styles of tournament in the following month, each with a chance of winning fabulous and
unspeakable prizes!

First of all, there's the...

Joust of Fate

This will be a pretty standard tournament-style tournament with admittance for paladins, fighters, and rangers. It'll take place at the Fields of Triumph in Waterdeep and will involve battling on the back of some sort of noble steed; it doesn't have to be a horse, but you have to be able to ride around on them.

As far as the rest of the rules goes, first off the mounts won't be fighting each other (OOC: Killmode nofight), just for the sake of extra safety for them. You don't necessarily have to use a lance but you do at least have to use some kind of polearm like a spear or a naginata, and having a shield is entirely optional as well (though probably useful). Armour is left entirely to the discretion of each individual chevalier and is not restricted in any way.

It'll take place at the following time: ... 0220821T01
August 20th, 9PM EST

Moving on, then, we come to...

The Toril Youth Tournament!

This bout is for adventurers who haven't gone any further than half of the way through their training at most (OOC: level 25), but is entirely unrestricted on any other basis, so adventurers of all stripes and classes are welcome to partake. There is, however, a catch to it! You won't be able to use any of your own equipment at all! As a young adventurer it'll be your job to catch the eye of a sponsor in some fashion and convince them to outfit you with all the gear you'll need to win.

To that end this tournament will actually consist of two events: the actual tournament itself and a much more informal gathering beforehand to rehearse, practice, and potentially catch the eye of sponsors. It would probably also a good idea to consider putting an advetisement out on the Font to see if you can catch the eye of some rich merchant or adventurer that way, as well. Either way, however!

The preliminary scuffles and showboating will take place on the plains just southeast of Waterdeep at: ... T01&p1=%3A
August 14th, 9PM EST

And the tournament proper will be at the same place on: ... 0220822T01
August 21st, 9PM EST

And so this brings us around to our last, but certainly not our least tournament! The...

Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Fate

As the name implies this will be a torunament of truly epic proportions! It will, however, also be somewhat
atypical in how its organized. Rather than taking place at any given time, it'll take place over a thirty
day period. The first ten days will be to allow each faith to, if they so desire, appoint a single champion
of their cause and present the name to Mya. Once the champions are appointed and the ten day period is up,
the champions will be able to challenge each other whenever they meet to a friendly, non-lethal duel.

Rules-wise, it's pretty simple: Any adventurer of any class or race can be sponsored by their faith, good or evil (except for Beshabans, we do have some limits, sorry). You'll need a third party witness (ie. cannot be in the faith of either of the two competitors), and if anyone dies for any reason the opposing champion is immediately disqualified (OOC Note: Unless both parties agree there was a legitimate bug cause of death). The witness will then write in to Mya to report how things went.

When all's said and done the faith whose champion wins the most bouts will win a fabulous boon for each individual faith follower from the followers of Tymora! A treasure and a sack of cake for every one of them.

The deadline for submitting champions is: ... 0220816T04

And after that, the deadline for submitting witnessed duel reports is: ... T04&p1=%3A

As always, thanks to everyone who decides to participate! Let's get out there and blow some fools up!

PS: For the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Fate, instant death spells/prayers as well as any means of acquiring additional allies (ie. summoning undead, hiring mercenaries, etc.) are banned. However, paralysis, potions, and etc. aren't, so consider investing in some valiance potions. As to the specifics of whether or not to include sparring rounds, how many potions you're allowed to drink, and so on, I'm going to leave that to you lot to decide on a fight by fight basis. You're all champions of your gods, so use your best judgement on how to conduct yourselves.
Last edited by Enig on Sat Aug 20, 2022 11:58 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Fight Month! Woo!

Post by Enig » Sat Aug 06, 2022 12:18 am

Of course, let me know if there's a conflict with the timing and we'll see what can be done! I'd particularly like to get our paladins in on the joust, so they can show off their amazing celestial mounts (I want to see an elephant joust).
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Re: Fight Month! Woo!

Post by Enig » Sat Aug 06, 2022 1:21 am

For the Toril Youth Tournament, this is a list of adventurers who have thus far announced an interest in becoming sponsors:

1) The Lucretes (Rannas and Michae)

Also, any youthful adventurers interested in participating are invited to introduce themselves to Michae, who has generously volunteered the services of Harmony Advertising to help them find a sponsor!

Naturally, anyone interested in becoming a sponsor can speak to or mail Mya about getting added to the list.
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Re: Fight Month! Woo!

Post by Enig » Mon Aug 15, 2022 12:27 am

The preliminary scuffles for the Toril Youth Tournament will be starting in half an hour!
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Re: Fight Month! Woo!

Post by Enig » Mon Aug 15, 2022 8:00 pm

So far the only contestant in the youth league is Zephina the brave, slayer of centipedes and bears, even challenger of griffons! If she remains unchallenged she'll engage in a grueling quest against monsters to earn her title of champion, and the glory of youth champion will be hers alone! But, perhaps there is a brave soul willing to step up and test her mettle?
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Re: Fight Month! Woo!

Post by Enig » Wed Aug 17, 2022 11:22 am

All champions may now officially begin challenging each other to duels to rack up wins in the Showdown!

To reiterate the rules:

1) Any fight ending in a death is an automatic disqualification for the opposing champion
2) All fights must be witnessed by a third party that belongs to neither of the faiths of the combantants and they must report the outcome to Mya in some way, either in person, via amulet, or through the post
3) Specific rules of the fight (ie spar vs stun, potion use, skill use, etc.) must be agreed upon by both parties and this agreement conveyed to the witness before the fight begins.

And so without further ado, our seven champions are!

Benorf, Champion of Torm
Cabadath, Champion of Talos
Sir Damron, Champion of Helm
Dame Ione, Champion of Mystra
Dame Mairenn, Champion of Sune
Callan of Torm flying the banner as Champion of Tyr
Sir Elland, Champion of Ilmater

Any third party witness will be fine but a few individuals have volunteered to be a witness who you can reliably call upon to observe matches: Lorne, Uthrand, Thaien, and of course, Mya herself.

Champions will receive a stipend of potions provided generously by Lorne and Beryl, useful for matches (where allowed by conditions) and training both. So get out there and be bold, daring, and lucky!
Last edited by Enig on Sat Aug 20, 2022 1:03 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Fight Month! Woo!

Post by Enig » Wed Aug 17, 2022 9:44 pm

This post will hold a running tally of the hard-won victories to date in the Ultimate Showdown!

Benorf: Cabadath, Mairenn, Damron, Elland
Ione: Benorf, Mairenn, Damron, Cabadath, Elland
Cabadath: Damron, Elland
Damron: Elland
Mairenn: Damron, Cabadath
Callan: Damron, Benorf, Mairenn, Ione, Cabadath, Elland
Last edited by Enig on Fri Sep 02, 2022 3:41 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Fight Month! Woo!

Post by Enig » Sat Aug 20, 2022 5:15 am

Just an addendum to note that Wonko has withdrawn from the Showdown.
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Re: Fight Month! Woo!

Post by Enig » Sat Aug 20, 2022 6:18 am

Having bested all eligible opponents Callan is declared to be the first place winner of the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Fate! There's still a few battles to be had to hash out second and third place, however, and some grudge matches once the top three have been decided! More details to follow once I think of them.
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Re: Fight Month! Woo!

Post by Enig » Sun Aug 21, 2022 4:08 am

And the joust is decided! Everyone performed spectacularly, but this is how it ended up!

Code: Select all

                   	            Sir Humfry
  	                         /                \
                        Dame Ione       vs.       Sir Humfry
                       /                                    \
              Callan vs.  Dame Ione                   Sir Formyndare vs. Sir Humfry                    
             /                     \                                               \
Sir Callan vs. Sir Formyndare     Dame Mairenn vs Dame Ione          Sir Humfry vs Sir Damron  
Thanks to everyone who showed up, competitors and spectators alike!
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Re: Fight Month! Woo!

Post by Enig » Mon Aug 22, 2022 2:34 am

And so the Toril Youth Tournament is concluded with our victor, Zephina Graybrook, Sting of the Tree, taking the championship in a dramatic battle on the water's edge against Tehlmar of the Forests!
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Re: Fight Month! Woo!

Post by Enig » Fri Sep 02, 2022 6:34 am

As Fight Month winds to a close we'll be having one last event to cap it off, a combination of awards ceremony and possibly a spot for grudge and exhibition matches! We'll bring along the crate of crazy weapons if anyone wants to use them and all the cakes you can eat, so come on down, eat all the sugar you can handle, and start picking fights with random strangers! This'll be taking place at the Fields of Triumph in Waterdeep.

The Final Results of the Showdown:

1st Place: Callan of Torm for Tyr | 2nd Place: Dame Ione of Mystra | 3rd Place: Benorf of Torm
............(Six Victories)........................... (Five Victories).......................(Four Victories)

OOC: ... T01&p1=%3A
Saturday, September 10th, 9PM EST
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Re: Fight Month! Woo!

Post by Enig » Sat Sep 10, 2022 4:46 am

We're pushing the Finale back 24.5 hours to the sunday instead of the saturday, and half an hour later, 9:30PM EST! ... 130&p1=%3A
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Re: Fight Month! Woo!

Post by Enig » Mon Sep 12, 2022 12:35 am

Just about an hour until the Finale begins!
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Re: Fight Month! Woo!

Post by Enig » Mon Sep 12, 2022 3:51 am

And thus Fight Month is concluded! Thanks go out to everyone who participated and helped to make the whole thing fun!
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