Connection and zmud difficulties

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Post by Nemay » Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:49 pm

As for myself who loves to RP more than just be a twink and run around and kill things to see how fast I can level, I have Mushclient...THE MOST WONDERFUL client if you like to RP it logs everything and you can scroll through your logs for the day. Which means I can capture perfect events that happen and save them. I personally have never tried Zmud but a couple of my friends use them, but I am a simpleton so Mushclient is the way to go. As for right now yes the game is down.

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Link Death

Post by Sean » Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:10 pm

First off...

1) Yes, it is safe to assume that it is a game outage, and not link death (as is the case at the moment I belive).

2) I guess it can be handled on a case by case basis. If it is just me, and someone else, I'll often wait a bit for them to return, and continue as if nothing has happened. If we're in a group, it really depends on who I'm dealing with, whats going on, and the like. I may pretend they had to run off on some errand, or maybe they got called upon. If other people are present, we all know they're link dead, and what I've seen happen most often is people collectivly ignore them. Sometimes, when they return, they may pretend to of 'daze off' for a moment, or apoligize for the fact that they 'had an errand to take care of for [their god]'.

Mostly though, we don't assume they just vanish. At least, thats my 2 copper on the matter. Other people may have diffrent views, and probably most do.
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Post by Sean » Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:15 pm

Me, I'm silly. I use both. For wilderness, combat, and such, I use ZMud, because of that handy VT100 support. But Mushclient is GREAT for it's logs. Though you have to be careful. I once had 4 gigs of logs... Thats a LOT of text. And be sure to split up your logs, espcailly if you play a lot. I froze my computer once because I had it append to the same log, and tried to open a 1 gigabyte file. :shock:

Also, MushClient is great for the aliases. I find them much easier to use than ZMuds.

So yeah, I agree with Nemay. MUSHClient is great. So is ZMud. I recommend people try out both and see what they like though. Not everyone feels like switching back and forth between two clients.

Edited: A bit of spelling errors. Fixed all that I found.
Last edited by Sean on Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Argentia » Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:29 pm

I'm going to have to agree with Sean pretty much with the "how-to-treat link-deaders". I like to find an IC reason why they may not respond, like maybe an Oghman is lost in thought or a Selunite's attention is caught by a bright moon, ect.

What Sean said about waiting for a few minutes is pretty much the key. However, sometimes you can be placed in an awkward situation where the person is following you, and they then go link-dead and do not come back. What you now have is a walking zombie with a crush on you. But thankfully, after a certain amount of time a link-dead person will dissapear into the void(Or any person who has not entered an action in some time), leaving you free to go about your business. They best way to deal with this would be to treat that sudden link-death as if you had to log off quite quickly, I'd say: must run an errand, have duties at the church, ect. (Or if you're fighting goblins, a good whack to the head can be an acceptable excuse for link-death.)

Remember, don't be afraid to make up an IC excuse for the link-dead person if anyone asks. :D
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Post by Versayir » Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:03 am

I think I'll try to get the hang of one new client before stretching my faculties any further, perhaps I'll give the other ones a shot a bit down the road.

Since the game's still down and the thread is up already, I may as well present this problem as well:

The automap feature of the Zmud client is intriguing, since my biggest problem with starting new games is the fact that I'm horribly directionally retarded, (the last game I played, I used a single character for 3+ years and still had difficulty making my way around at times). The automapper was pointed out and recommended to me on my characters first day in Waterdeep but so far I cannot seem to get it funtioning other than while offline.

So, my question would be: Is use of the automapper permissable for the perpetually lost?(naturally in addition to and not as a replacement for the nicely done IC maps) If so, how should the preferences for parsing and such be set up in order for it to function properly with FK?
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Post by Natasha » Sun Jan 09, 2005 6:22 am

Does anyone know why the game has been going down lately without autostarting, and just giving that horrid blank connect screen lately?

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Post by Ursan » Sun Jan 09, 2005 11:18 am

The code is designed to reboot in the event of a crash, sometimes the nature of the crash is such that the game is unable to reboot without one of the admin team taking direct action.

A bugged spell or item, an inappropriate action by a player, any number of things can cause the game to crash and it's not always possible to prevent them happening.

The key thing when this happens is for players not to create additional work for Sharni and Greg by posting umpteen threads commenting on the game being down. So lets just leave it at this and all use our time constructively until they are able to correct the problem.

The website is up and the forum board has hundreds of interesting threads to comment on other than the game's status. Enjoy! :D
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Post by Shabanna » Fri Jan 14, 2005 3:56 pm

Not meaning to be a pest... I know there is clearly much to be done and I do not wish to spam the boards. But , I was wondering if perhaps there is a way to tell if it is something my character has or is doing that is causing the crashes? I have noticed that the crashes are getting closer and seem now to happen just as I log on sometimes --5 times in the past hour! :shock:

I swear I put on my deodorant! :roll: * whistle*

Not sure why this is happening... hate to see items go poof and people get all the way to WD from Westgate and Poof back to Westgate! :cry:
Just want to help if I can. especially if it somethig bugged on me!! :D
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Post by Lathander » Fri Jan 14, 2005 5:06 pm

There was a major storm in the city where the game's server is housed. This caused at least one crash. Since that crash, several other thngs have popped up, for imm as well as mortal characters. We do appreciate and find valuable any input on actions you may perform that could relate to a crash; however, we ask that you not spam the boards with information unless you STRONGLY feel it is related. Those who own the server are doing their best to get everything back in order and running smoothly.
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Post by Tandria » Fri Jan 14, 2005 8:25 pm

I am quite certain that purchasing things (the reports I've seen have been from Bradigan's, but I don't want to risk crashing the game by attempting other places) crashes the game. I have seen questions and such of people attempting to purchase things crashing the game.

Also, another reported that training power attack (or attempting to do so) had crashed the game for him.
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Post by Elwin » Sat Jan 15, 2005 1:13 pm

Hmm, I've heard of the item purchasing causing crashes from some players, but i hadn't heard of power attack. I trained it with one of characters in the middle of all the crashing and it didn't cause one. Could have just been that person though, I guess.
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Post by Kirkus » Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:40 pm

If power attack causes a crash for one person it would make sence that it would cause a crash when anyone else trained it. More than likely what happened was that that person trained power attack when someone else was buying something, the game crashed and the person training power attack thought it was his/her fault.
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Need help with forums please

Post by Tychina » Fri Feb 11, 2005 6:24 pm

Allright, I have always been able to come to the fk forums and be auto logged in, because I keep the little box checked to always keep me logged in. But lately, it is not keeping me logged in. I am having to log in each time I visit, and if I idle on the forums for too long, I have to relog in again.

Also, for some reason, posts I have not yet read, are showing as read. Like, I can log in, and see several new posts, and if I get logged/timed out, or have to leave before I read them all, then when I come back, they show as read allready and not new.

Small things, but they are becoming annoying. Does anyone know how I can fix these, and maybe why they started doing this to begin with?

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Post by Lathander » Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:42 pm

Isuspect it is a client-side issue. Check your browser preferences. You might have reset it recently and told i to no longer keep that sort of info stored on your computer. I have no problem so it can't be server side. Also, if you are havig the issue at work and not at home, it might be something your boss or IT set up to prevent such auto logs.
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Post by Zilvryn » Fri Feb 11, 2005 8:40 pm

Or also if you run a program like ad-aware or somehting like that, it can be set to run all the time in the background and auto delete cookies as they get created..
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Post by Telk » Fri Feb 11, 2005 11:52 pm

I have also noticed that if you log onto the forums with a different computer then log onto the computer that you usually log onto the forums with, it will have you signed out.
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Post by Lathander » Sat Feb 12, 2005 6:27 am

Well, what have I learned from all of this? After re-reading my own post, I have learned not to post while under the influence of the flu. It can severely ruin your typing.
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Post by Tychina » Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:44 am

awwww poor lathander :( *gives him chicken soup and oj*

weirdness, I posted this before I went to work, I just came home, and came to forums and it isn't doing it any more.. very odd, but I won't argue with it :D

Multiple logins for forums?

Post by Yboesh » Sun Mar 27, 2005 11:04 pm

I have a question perhaps someone could answer. I have several chars and wondered if it would be a good idea to register into this forum with more than one of them, I:E: 2 or 3 tops. Reason I ask is, some of my chars are of the not-so-nice alignment and I have noticed, when IM'ing with ppl, that if they find out one of the not-so-nice ones, they sometimes get a bit...upset. I will welcome any response, and always, thanks. :)
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Post by Algon » Sun Mar 27, 2005 11:17 pm

This is a ROLEPLAYING game. You are not of the "not so nice" persuasion. So IMHO unless you are trying to keep it a secret that you are behind the player, dont worry about it. Without evil the world would be very boring.
My two cents.
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