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What is FK to you?

Post by Armin » Sat Jan 29, 2005 7:58 pm

I was sitting here thinking, FK is a large portion of my life. Now, before you say how pathetic I am, hear me out.

FK is not just about sitting at a computer and typing on a keyboard in a sad attempt to distract one's self from the everyday hum-drum. Though that is a plausible reason, my personal regard for the game goes much deeper. I don't know about the rest of you, but when I play my characters, a piece of myself goes into them, giving them a spark of life. And I think we all do that, to an extent. That means, while you are interacting with other people in a world that lives totally in the minds of its creators, you are interacting with -real- people, dwarf, halfling, gnome, elf, drow, or otherwise.

What does that mean? Well, to me, that means some of my best friends can only be found in Faerun. I mean that OOCly and ICly. Some people I talk to outside of FK, others I do not. I have RPed with some of the greatest people on Earth, I believe, and do not even know who they are. But I respect them, and appreciate their contribution to making this great engine work. Some of them, I speak to online. It is an honor to know the player behind the character.

My life has not been good here of late, as I'm sure many of you know. And it might be..odd of me to say this, but FK has literally saved my life. There have been times when I just wanted to end it all, and so I power up FK, and the antics of Pibbs, or the unwavering vigilance of Sir Andreas, or a myriad other of my friends on the game, make me laugh, make me think, and cause me to be inspired. My life is worth living with such great times as these.

But this game would not be possible without the unwavering efforts of its creators and builders. The imms in FK are the finest example of teamwork I have ever seen. If they were to put their skills to the test in the real world, they'd be millionaires. And mind you, I know there are those of you out there thinking I am sucking up. There is a difference between brown-nosing and respect. The imms here work hard to keep a smooth game running, and ask nothing but good gaming in return. In some MUDs, I have seen links and ads and popups all saying "please support us." And the quality of those MUDs is far inferior to this one, IMHO. Nowhere on the site, in the game or on the forums do you see a request for donations. This game, this highlight of my life, is paid for by people I have never even seen. Thank you, so much.

So, in conclusion, this game means several things to me. It is a pasttime, an escape, a life-saver, and a place where I have met some of my best friends, cried some of my saddest tears, and laughed the hardest.

Thank you, everyone, for making my life Richer

Brandon (aka Armin aka Rhiel aka Raban)
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Post by Blug » Sat Jan 29, 2005 8:11 pm

this is actually something of truth for me. Not too long ago, I injured myself, it was a crippling injury that requires surgery to be repaired. FK has, for lack of a better term, kept me going whilst I've been sitting, unable to do much more than get up and walk, or sit and watch TV all day. FK gives me something that I can interact with, be a part of, and, enjoy...
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Post by Sean » Sat Jan 29, 2005 8:14 pm

Wow... Thats deep :P

What does FK mean to me? It means a lot. And I only realized how much it has until recently.

A little under four years ago, I joined FK. It was great, because at the time I had a lame computer. It couldn't support graphics to well, and on a 24.4k connection, I couldn't play many online games. At the time, FK was, to me, a game I could play, day by day. Each day was diffrent. The world changed when I wasn't there. Imagination was required. Everyone who played had a messure of intelect above the average person...

And then, my grades began to plumit. Not because of FK, but because I'm the type of person to put in the least amount of effort possible into everything, and suddenly that wasn't good enough. So I quit (by deleting every game on my computer to remove distractions).

Years later, I returned. In the meanwhile, I've moved, made diffrent friends, gotten a computer which can play graphical games, played them...

But when I returned to FK, something happened. I always though of myself as happy, but when I play FK, I'm REALLY happy. The only thing that can come close in measure are the Rennisance Festivals. At the festivals, I see friends I see once a year. I can act as if I belong in a time that no longer exists, and I can share with others what the rennisance or middle ages was like...

On FK, its the same feeling, just year-round. I have friends here, much like you Armin, who I've never met. Might never meet. But we're still friends. If they're having problems (IC or OOC), I'll be there to help (IC or OOC), just like real friends. Sure, they may be Sean's friends, but his compasion and emotions towards his friends are drawn from the very same feelings I produce to the text on the screen...

To me, FK is a world in it's own. It is real life, only diffrent. I wouldn't trade real life for FK, but I wouldn't trade away FK for real life again.
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Post by Legault » Sun Jan 30, 2005 1:18 am

Its my retreat. When somone says, go to your happy place, I go here. Its all my relaxation. I always look forward to it at the end of my day.
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Post by Zilvryn » Sun Jan 30, 2005 7:44 am

Man, I love FK, it totally rocks my life....

I have met a load of cool people, lost over a thousand hours of my life in Menzoberranzan, Waterdeep and the Keep, and I can summon gigantic balls of flame to incinerate my enemies...

What else could a young man want?
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Post by Elenthis » Sun Jan 30, 2005 8:13 am

A long time ago, in a galaxy further away then most of you can remember (or at least me) I played a character named Lukian. During the time I played that character, I only realised a tenth of the potential this game had to improve, inspire, and instill feeling into a person who otherwise lives a rather monotonous life. I work, then sleep, then work, ect. Now, I have come to fully realise FK. I wont go into detail, but I may now be one of the most loyal FK players this game has yet seen. Ironically, my life now consists of: Work, sleep, FK- repeat.
Take a few moments and try to realise for yourself what this game is. Because it isnt the building of skills, gathering of quests, or power. This game is YOU putting a character into a world where he/she can do anything one could possibly imagine. It is you making a jumble of code look in your mind and everyone else's as though this world not only exists, but that it exists in living color every time you log in.
Thanks guys. And I mean players and imms alike.

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Post by Zilvryn » Sun Jan 30, 2005 9:06 am

Indeed, Elenthis has just summed up what I wanted to say much more eloquently that I could attempt...
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Post by Hrosskell » Wed Feb 09, 2005 8:22 pm

Eh.. Yah. I've quit before (last summer) and tried to stay gone, maybe focus more towards getting a girlfriend or something, but, it always drags me back, this game. I'd like to say that I like just about everyone on here, even the guys that keep beating up my favorite character (Stayne). As for the Imms, you guys have done nothing but rock for me, from the first n00b death to the last hilarious RP. FK has an awesome environment, and things are only getting better.

Post by Zach » Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:01 pm

Well seeing as the game is down right now... for a few hours... i think i will say my thanks.


yeah i'm deep
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Post by Gratey » Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:16 pm

Applauds for Zach, I think that was the best yet :lol:
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RE: Thank you

Post by Andreas » Tue Mar 15, 2005 7:05 am

Another year come and gone... wow, time flies when you're having fun!

Thank you to everyone who makes this game so much fun. Today marks my three year anniversary with Forgotten Kingdoms and I can't describe how much fun I've had.

I've made many wonderful friends, some of whom I've met in real life. I look forward to many more years of good roleplay and making new friends.
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Post by Elwin » Wed Mar 16, 2005 4:55 pm

Wow, it's been three years for me too. I, like Elenthis, didn't fully appreciate FK for what it was when I first started playing. But now, I feel like every time I play the game a part of me I didn't know was there wakes up. So, yeah, thanks for everything, and I will also be looking foward to many more days of sitting in front of my computer and having a blast.
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Post by Ellian » Thu Mar 17, 2005 8:02 pm

Two years for me, and I'm still such a noob. Thanks, everyone, for humoring me. I've really enjoyed my time here and I love you all.

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Post by Sindava » Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:08 am

This is a specific thank you, but here seemed as good a place to post it as any other.

I would just like to say a personal thank you to Sharni for allowing myself and a small party of elves to visit the island of Evermeet.

It was a wonderful roleplay opportunity and all involved conducted themselves with great skill and good-humour.

Thank you

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Post by Isolrem » Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:43 am

FK is one of the few MUDs where the game is good enough and the players roleplay enough to let you live it.
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Post by Zilvryn » Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:15 am

edit: it's friday night, and i'm a half-drunk nub, excuse my double post.
Last edited by Zilvryn on Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zilvryn » Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:16 am

Yeh, i'll go with this as well. Baelian/me utterly loved this RP, it was fantastic and makes me wish even more that I lived in Faerun or Middle-earth...

*le sigh* Back to the real world.

I'll use this thread to announce my short term departure from FK as well. On the 31st of July I begin basic training for the british parachute regiment. For the 1st six weeks of my training I shall have no access to a PC, after that I shall be heading back to FK as soon as I can.

Any RPs that I have not concluded by this point I shall endeavour to sort out before I go.

To quote the Govener of Califonia; "I'll be back."

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Post by Lysha » Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:25 am

I would like to say to all the staff AND players Thank You. I have really enjoyed playing with everyone, good times and bad. I miss everyone, and I miss playing. Thanks to everyone for such a fun world to play in.
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Grand Revel Ball

Post by Shabanna » Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:09 pm

Hoping this is the best place to post this...

I want to thank all the imms/admins who put together the Grand Revel ball for Valentine's day. Everything was really amazing and it was quite a wonderful RP opportunity!

Special thanks to Sune for sharing the love! :D

You all Rock!
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Post by Theillik » Sat Feb 18, 2006 7:52 pm

Here here! The Revel was enjoyable! I was terribly disappointed that I had a class that evening and missed more of it. But thanks for the extra efforts! Sune, you rock my world!
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