Newbie of the month?

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Newbie of the month?

Post by Boe » Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:15 am

At the end of every month a poll is held on the boards that lists all the new players to FK, then everyone votes on them, whoever wins gets extra glory points as a reward. Glory points would be given out depending on how many people are entered into the competition with a max of 7 points available. So for example 4 new players come to FK, they all run, the winner would get 4 bonus glory points.

This would be a RP competition, not really who has made the most progress on their char in their first month or who knows the most locations on the FK map, but a RP competition to promote good RP even with the newbies.

The only downside of this would be that someone has to loose, oh well that's life, you don't always win. =/

Open to suggestions/comments

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Isn't good RP its own reward?

Post by Raona » Tue Feb 28, 2006 3:52 am

I would hope that good RP is its own certainly is for me.

But how about asking new players if anyone stands out as having helped them, tutored them, taken the time to help them enjoy the game? Glory points seem an IC-appropriate reward for that. It might further foster the great Newbie Council attitude that has made it so easy and fun for me to get into this game, starting as a MUD neophyte.

Perhaps it would make sense generally (if they aren't overworked), for a Newbie Council member to pay a visit (IC or OOC?) to any new player reaching some milestone (level 20?) and ask how things are going. Kind of check in with them, and make sure they feel they are getting their sea legs, that they haven't forgotten the Temple lessons, reinforce the idea of the QUESTION channel and the HELP files.
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Post by Amalia » Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:15 am

I'm with Raona on this one-- if newbies need an incentive to RP, they probably don't belong here. Besides that, there are factors like a player's ability to be online that could easily affect how many people see good RP out of them, so the award would probably tend to go to those who already have plenty of time to get glory in other ways.

Awards for helping new players out does sound cool, though-- I for one really appreciate all the help I've gotten, and would love to see those responsible get a little "thank you" beyond what I can give.
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Post by Kelemvor » Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:08 am

My own opinion, but generally... new players who roleplay well and come to the attention of other players receive a good deal more kismet, exp and glory than your competition would offer. Where does it come from? Pretty much every player and certainly the Imms try to encourage new characters in the first few months of their careers... particularly if they are brand new.

There is also the question of experienced or tricky players coming through or folks playing more than one account - just so they can dazzle for a month and grab extra glory. Who'd go to all that trouble for just 7 glory? Pretty much all the same ones who rack up two - three accounts or spam quests.

But your post did make me smile as I pondered the opposite kind of poll...
Twink of the Month. :)
Every month all the players vote and decide who the biggest twink / anti-RPer / cheater is and we take 7 glory and 1 quest item from them. If several characters amass sizeable votes in the same month we'll gladly extend the prize to them as well...
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Post by Dalvyn » Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:38 pm

I was giving this thread a mild interest at first, thinking that it would perhaps not be a good idea to add the kind of "pressure" on newbies that such a competition creates.

But then... Kelemvor's idea sure has merits. I could even make a special medal/badge item for it.

a round golden badge inscribed with "Twink of the Month - Mirtul 987"
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Post by Elenthis » Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:28 pm

would the badge be magic? Mithril? Worht a lot? Perhapse give a +5 to attacks?

... :-D
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Post by Shabanna » Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:30 pm

Twink of the month??? o.O Lets hear it for Positive reinforcement!

Though I suspect that most twinks do not even realize they are..."twinking" and will argue it to the bitter end... thus the problem;)

Which leads me to say the following... if this ACTUALLY becomes some sort of contest....For all those who might be rushing to vote... :roll: Just remember this old saying:
"people who live in glass houses should not throw stones!"
Think about it before you cast your vote! lol you may be pointing a finger at someone else and that just means 3 of your fingers... are pointing back at you! I think we all have to ponder our own actions... before judging everyone else.
Just my 2 cents...
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Post by Lerytha » Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:27 pm

Everyone's impression of a decent RPer is different. We can all imagine the persons that would win this. Those who characterise beautifully, those who think about everything in great depth. However, what about the person who enters not having MUDed before, with very few English skills, who, in a week, learns how to use emote/smote, learns how to use full stops, and, although they are not "spectacular" newbies, have improved phenomenally?

They might be overlooked. In fact, I think that many people might be overlooked. Different timezones, for instance. Different OOC commitments...

I would only like this to be in the game, if it was done by the Newbie Council - they are the ones who deal with newbies most often, and are generally very neutral. Otherwise, it runs the risk of turning into a popularity contest.

I would also prefer it to be kept positive. Reward newbies, rather than punishing "twinks." I think by making it clear that twinks will be punished if they break the rules, and that newbies who show signs of proper RP will be rewarded, the message will get through a lot clearer.

I hope that post was clear. Basically, I like the idea IF it is run by the Newbie Council OR a new group of players that have played for a long time and who are trusted to reward the award fairly.
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Post by Paskry » Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:07 pm

Something tells me that he was just making a pun....

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Post by Mariela » Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:14 am

To be perfectly honest....

Kismet is awesome.
I have no idea what it is for. Not yet.

Thus, it's always fun to get awarded whatever the screen says when people award me for RP, but on the other hand.... I wouldn't change the way I played because I might get some weird award for it.

A poll, maybe not such a good idea. But maybe if people from this Newbie Council I hear about wanted to talk and maybe post up something about a character/playerthingy that they saw donig something freaking awesome and sweet in RP and sort of highlight it on the message board or something.. tha twould be nice. It would really show how what you do effects what others see and admire about your characters.

At a chatroom Role play thinger I was at a looooong time ago, there was a player run sort of shrine/award system. Those who wanted to be a part of it would submit the character of choice to the website's owners and they would pick the best of the best and then post it up on their website with the bio and everything. It was actually kinda fun to get picked. You didn't get anything but recognition, but it was still fun.

Anyways, there you go.. *throws her two platinum in the bucket."

*walks away.."
*realizes it was platinum and CRIES!*

Post by Paskry » Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:15 pm


Kismet is an Out Of Character spendable reward that is given out on a regular basis.
Glory is the opposite of Kismet as it is a spendable In Character reward.

Good for you Mariela on your self-control in not twinking and rushing after the shiniest prize.

The Newbie Council is a group of older players that what they do is they listen to the Question channel and answer any questions that someone might have, that might include going to that character and/or having another person come along as well. The purpose of the Newbie Council is to help support the Dietys so that they do not have to stop every so often and answer questions. They are also there to help create the Newbie-friendly enviornment and to help new players get accustomed to Forgotten Kingdoms.

And of course it was a platinum.

Paskry reaches into his wallet and drops a pair of gold coins into the bucket.

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Post by Mariela » Fri Mar 03, 2006 1:11 am


Well Gods bless the Newbie Council then. I has some pretty damn stupid questions at time. Thank you guys!
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Post by Lathlain » Fri Mar 03, 2006 12:45 pm

He neglected to mention the fact that we also eat babies...

Eh?... Okay, so *some* of us do!
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Post by Mariela » Sat Mar 04, 2006 6:35 am


Damn. I want in. ;)


I know what everyone should about babies. Not only are they not kosher, but they are toxic. They are a poison control call waiting to happen.
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Post by Forgoil » Mon Mar 20, 2006 11:32 pm

I want to eat babies... Shabanna watch out!!
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